You are a temporary employee

Find all IAE-specific documents in this collaborative space:

By 2023, the IAE will have nearly 270 part-time employees supporting the teaching teams at academics . The participation of professionals in our training courses gives students a different perspective on business issues, through case analysis and experience sharing.

If you are interested in taking part in IAE's training courses as a part-time lecturer, please send your detailed CV to:
Your CV will then be available for consultation by IAE's academics managers, who will contact you directly as and when required.

Working at USMB as a part-time lecturer

Download the guide to USMB temporary workers.

Teachers' guide

Download the IAE staff guide.

Recruitment conditions for temporary teaching staff (decree no. 87-889 of October 29, 1987)

  • Private-sector employee: main salaried professional activity of at least 900 hours a year (or 300 hours in 3 establishments)
  • Non-salaried activity: Company director, self-employed person, liberal profession: be subject to the Cotisation Économique Territoriale (C.E.T) or have earned a regular income from your profession for at least 3 years. If your status is recent (less than 3 years), you must have been operating under another system for the previous 3 years. If salaried, complete a "private salaried" file.
  • Civil servant or non-tenured public-sector employee: authorized by the main employer to carry out an ancillary activity. Exclusion=Availability, sick leave, maternity leave, parental leave, research leave or academics, A.T.E.R, contract doctoral student. Age limit for civil servants = 67.
  • Contractors working abroad: for nationalities outside the EU and Switzerland, a residence permit bearing the word "salaried". A work permit for Algerian temporary workers.
  • Intermittent entertainer, artist, author: must be registered with Pôle Emploi.
  • Student: Registered for a 3rd cycle degree.
  • Retired: Must be under 67 years of age, receive a pension or retirement allowance, and have a principal activity outside the Université de Savoie.
  • Temporary teaching replacement

    You have to print it, fill it in, sign it, and return the (original) documents by post with the documents listed below.

    To print and fill in:


    To add:

    • Copy of your ID or passport + VISA
    • A bank IBAN details (official document from you bank)
    • An employer certificate or a pay slip
    • C.V

     All incomplete files will not be validated for payment.

New for 2023:

simplified application form for self-employed or intermittent workers performing less than 32 hours (eq. TD) throughout the university (see Vacademat).

The start of work is conditional on your eligibility as a part-time teacher and your administrative admissibility.

All documents must be submitted online via the VACADEMAT platform.

To set up your VACADEMAT file, please send an e-mail to In return, you will receive a link to access the platform, along with a user guide. You will then be able to create your account and submit all your documents.

Your file must be validated 1 month before the first operation.

You will then receive your employment contract.

All individual business trips initiated by IAE are subject to a signed mission order.

All requests for reimbursement must be accompanied by a completed and signed pre-account form. If you have to pay for tolls, parking, meals or hotels, please enclose the corresponding original receipts.

If the trip is made with your own vehicle:

  • complete and sign a vehicle authorization form
  • enclose a copy of the current vehicle registration document and green card.

Personal vehicle authorization must be renewed every year in January.

If travelling by train or plane,

  • enclose original tickets.

Within the limits of the receipts provided, the maximum amount for hotel accommodation is 90€ and the maximum amount for meals is 20€ (only for travel outside the administrative residence).

Travel expenses for UDS lecturers are paid either from the administrative residence or from the personal residence (shortest route).

The mileage calculation is based on kms via the MICHELIN website.

For all requests for reimbursement, please contact for information on reimbursement procedures and the documents to be completed.

Login and password 

To access the intranet part of theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc website( or to connect via Wifi, you need your login and password.

You should have received an e-mail from ISD in your personal mailbox, giving you your HRM code as well as your login and password.

If you can't find this e-mail, you can obtain your login/password.

If you can't find your HRM code, you can request it here: 

WIFI access 

Connect to the USMB VPN.

and follow the procedure to install the Cisco Anyconnect VPN client. You will need to authenticate yourself using the UDS profile.
This utility is required to connect to the intranet from home if you want to access certain services (e.g. access online reprography requests). 


Reprography requests are made online via the USMB intranet.

Remember: you need to be connected to theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc network to make your request. From home, you must be connected via the Cisco Anyconnect VPN.

Delivery reminder 

In the "Logistics" tab of the work order, under "provisioning", enter :

  • For Annecy, choose "comptoir Annecy".
    SEP takes care of picking up and delivering work, which is stored in the "repro" room behind reception. Never choose "delivery", otherwise your work will be sent to the Bourget du Lac site. 
  • For Chambéry, select "delivery".
    Then in the "delivery location" menu, select "Jacob bât 23-24". The work will then be stored in the staff room.