Recruitment conditions for temporary teaching staff (decree no. 87-889 of October 29, 1987)
- Private-sector employee: main salaried professional activity of at least 900 hours a year (or 300 hours in 3 establishments)
- Non-salaried activity: Company director, self-employed person, liberal profession: be subject to the Cotisation Économique Territoriale (C.E.T) or have earned a regular income from your profession for at least 3 years. If your status is recent (less than 3 years), you must have been operating under another system for the previous 3 years. If salaried, complete a "private salaried" file.
- Civil servant or non-tenured public-sector employee: authorized by the main employer to carry out an ancillary activity. Exclusion=Availability, sick leave, maternity leave, parental leave, research leave or academics, A.T.E.R, contract doctoral student. Age limit for civil servants = 67.
- Contractors working abroad: for nationalities outside the EU and Switzerland, a residence permit bearing the word "salaried". A work permit for Algerian temporary workers.
- Intermittent entertainer, artist, author: must be registered with Pôle Emploi.
- Student: Registered for a 3rd cycle degree.
- Retired: Must be under 67 years of age, receive a pension or retirement allowance, and have a principal activity outside the Université de Savoie.
- Temporary teaching replacement
You have to print it, fill it in, sign it, and return the (original) documents by post with the documents listed below.
To print and fill in:To add:
- Copy of your ID or passport + VISA
- A bank IBAN details (official document from you bank)
- An employer certificate or a pay slip
- C.V
All incomplete files will not be validated for payment.
New for 2023:
simplified application form for self-employed or intermittent workers performing less than 32 hours (eq. TD) throughout the university (see Vacademat).
The start of work is conditional on your eligibility as a part-time teacher and your administrative admissibility.
All documents must be submitted online via the VACADEMAT platform.
To set up your VACADEMAT file, please send an e-mail to In return, you will receive a link to access the platform, along with a user guide. You will then be able to create your account and submit all your documents.
Your file must be validated 1 month before the first operation.
You will then receive your employment contract.