• Domains


Martial art practised in pairs.

Aikido is a martial art practised in pairs. The techniques, based on strikes and grabs, are performed smoothly and aim to channel and control one or more opponents, armed or unarmed, with bare hands.



Semester-long teaching cycle.
Regular weekly attendance compulsory (free or assessed practice).
Classes of 1H30 per week.
12 sessions per semester

All levels
No specific equipment

Cross-functional skills targeted
Developing self-confidence and expressing oneself in front of a group " L'orateur corporel " (The body speaker)

Motor skills:
*Make technical and tactical choices based on an analysis of the balance of power.
Methodological skills:
*Be capable of analyzing one's own practice and adapting it to the situation at hand.
Social competence:
*Choose and assume roles that enable the group to function in a spirit of solidarity.

The teacher awards a mark, taking into account:
Observation of the acquisition of the basic skills and techniques that will be required.
The student's commitment to the course and overall attitude to learning.
