Our missions


The practice of Physical, Sports and Artistic Activities, at bachelor's level, is aimed at the development of the student in its various dimensions. Socially-recognized sporting activities go beyond the role of recreation, and are therefore part of a formative logic, whether in academics qualifying (FQ) or academics personal (FP).
The aim of teaching APSA is to train :

  • a student, physically and socially independent
  • a person capable of integrating professionally into a changing society
  • a student suited to further study

To achieve these objectives, the teaching of sports and physical activity at university is based on the development of original skills such as sports culture and prevention, management and optimization of health, but also on cross-cutting skills that it reinforces, such as sociability, methodology, self-knowledge, taking responsibility, etc.

Finally, practising sports and physical activity enables young people to improve their self-control, initiative, ability to cooperate, persevere and adapt, among other qualities, all of which make it easier for them to enter the world of work*.

* Cf. N. Eber's work on "La pratique sportive comme capital humain" in Revue juridique du sport
n° 65 and Revue EPS n° 293: "Sport et études sont-ils compatibles?