• Domains


Jump and score!

Courses organized according to level (one beginners course, one advanced course)

The aim is to learn the fundamentals of the activity, both individually and collectively.

Sessions with themed matches



Semester-long teaching cycle.
Regular weekly attendance compulsory (free or assessed practice).
Classes of 1H30 per week.12 sessions

No resin
Please note the level required when registering (different times)
Specific balls (without resin) supplied by SDS
Appropriate footwear mandatory (clean and specific)

- Cross-functional competencies targeted: Taking on a specific role within a team "The cooperative student".
Set up and run a group or individual project independently "Project manager".
- Activity-specific skills:
- Motor skills:
Commit to winning a match by making relevant technical and tactical choices based on an analysis of the balance of power.
- Methodological skills:
Be capable of analyzing one's performance in order to adapt one's team's game plan.
- Social competency:
Choose and take on roles that enable the team to function as a cohesive whole.

Teams and players will express themselves on defined themes during a match situation.
Practical assessment will take into account performance, participation and progress.
