• Domains

Self defense

Mastery of combat techniques to deal with physical aggression

Self-defense is first and foremost a form of training. The aim of our courses is to help you master the techniques you need to defend yourself.



Semester-long teaching cycle.
Regular weekly attendance compulsory (free or assessed practice).
Classes of 1H30 per week.
12 sessions per semester

All levels
No specific equipment

Cross-functional skills targeted
Developing self-confidence and expressing oneself in front of a group " L'orateur corporel " (The body speaker)

Motor skills:
*Make technical and tactical choices based on an analysis of the balance of power.
Methodological skills:
*Be capable of analyzing one's own practice and adapting it to the situation at hand.
Social competence:
*Choose and assume roles that enable the group to function in a spirit of solidarity.

evaluation methods will be given by the teacher during the first lesson
