Resuming studies at academics

Defining your project for success

Whatever your plans, going back to university requires a great deal of thought and personal investment. Whether you want to develop within your company, retrain for a new profession, or acquire skills in line with the job market, your motivation and determination are essential. It's possible to go back to school at any age if you give yourself the time and resources to succeed.

Professional fulfillment is essential, and resuming your studies at academics can help you achieve this goal. To enhance your employability and boost your self-confidence, going back to university is a feasible solution, provided you define your objectives and evaluate your project.

Who should study at USMB?

Resumption of studies may involve an adult enrolled in an initial academics course (state diplomas), or in a course specifically designed for working people (state or institutional diplomas).

Integrated adults attend academics at the same pace as students, with no special arrangements.

Training courses organized in specific groups are aimed at all professionals wishing to supplement their initial academics or specialize, while obtaining a university diploma or certification. The organization is adapted to the pace and constraints of a working adult audience.

As part of your academics project, you will be covered by academics if, at the time of registration, you are in one of the situations listed below:

  • Professional activity, employee in the public or private sector, self-employed
  • Registered with France travail (with or without benefits)
  • Beneficiary of resources paid by the State (parental leave, RSA)
  • Resuming studies while on leave academics
  • Financial coverage of your academics by an organization (OPCO) and/or an employer
  • Resuming studies following a VAPP

You will be required to attend classes and/or seminars at academics according to the established timetable or schedule, and will be assessed by continuous assessment or final exams.


BUT 1 - Licence 1: send your application for admission and send it to :

Master 1 > you must apply via the platform My Master

BUT 2-3 - Licence 2-3 - Licence Professionnelle - Master 2 - Cycle ingénieurs : You must apply via the platform Ecandidats USMB.


  • Send application 1? months before starting academics.



  • If you don't have the required diploma, you can access academics via the Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels (VAPP) program: See our dedicated page.


Useful links :