ONLINE information meeting: Diplôme d'Université et CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies MANAGEMENT PAR LA QUALITÉ ANNECY-GENÈVE - Registration form below

November 23, 2020 6:30 pm

Réunion d’information en ligne – Inscription libre et gratuite – Présentation du Diplôme d’Université et du Certificate of Advanced Studies Management par la qualité Annecy Genève.

Augmenter la performance de votre entreprise grâce au management par la qualité ! Optimisation et amélioration des processus, réduction des coûts, conservation du savoir faire, accroissement de la productivité, hausse du chiffre d’affaire, gestion et traitement des risques, etc… Découvrez les nombreux avantages et bénéfices de la mise en place d’un système de management qualité grâce à nos formations professionnelles. Ce cursus diplômant est spécialement adapté pour les publics en activité. Obtenez une double certification franco-suisse : Diplôme d’Université (FR) + Certificate of Advanced Studies (CH) Management par la Qualité. Voici les dates des réunions d’informations en ligne :

  • Mercredi 04 novembre 2020 à 18h30
  • Lundi 23 novembre 2020 à 18h30

To receive an e-mail link to the online meeting (Microsoft Teams), please fill in the following form:

Can't make it? Visit our dedicated page:

Useful links :

Contenus du Diplôme d’Université et CAS Certificate of Advanced Studies Management par la qualité  :

Module Introduction :

  • Welcome, general presentation
  • Organization and work methodology
  • Introduction and recent developments in quality management
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 1: Management systems and systemic approach

  • PDCA approach - standards and benchmarks - ISO 9001 and its requirements - tools and workshops
  • Process approach - EFQM model - accreditation and certification processes - tools and workshops
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 2: Corporate context and policy

  • Context and corporate citizenship.
  • A responsible, high-performance company
  • Context analysis (swot, pestel and other analysis tools) - Stakeholder analysis (grid, matrices, sphere of influence) - Tools and workshops
  • Corporate policy (values, vision, mission, commitments)
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 3: Risk management

  • Introduction to risk management - risks and opportunities standards (ISO 31000, ISO 45001)
  • Frequency-severity - importance of risks - risk management stages - risk monitoring by the internal control system (ICS)
  • Environmental risk analysis - links with an ISO-type management system - tools and workshops
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 4: Process approach

  • Describe your organization in terms of processes - study of information flows and expectations - analysis of added value - typology of processes: production, support and managerial
  • Processes and interactions - ISO 9001 mapping and requirements - Representations (flowchart, BPMN modeling) - Case studies
  • Documented information for processes - document management (traceability, archiving, destruction, etc.)
  • Location: Annecy IUT

Module 5: Performance measurement

  • Performance vision - Hoshin Kanri method - X matrix - KPIs / indicators - DMAIC approach - smart method
  • Notion of dashboards - prospective dashboards (Balance Score Card) - application examples - aspects of visual communication - short-interval animation - Quality Operating System
  • Applying visual communication: COUNTRY (game) - ISO 9001 indicators and vision - implementing and maintaining a dashboard
  • Location: Annecy IUT

Module 6: Alignment - company visit

Institut Universitaire de academics Professionnelle
Université Savoie Mont Blanc
academics Continuous Service

Eric Wettel

Tél. 06 08 68 40 32