academics short: Emergency psychology and CBT - Institut Universitaire de academics Professionnelle

academics short: Emergency Psychology and Cognitive Behavior Therapy


This academics , which complements the University Diploma in Emergency Psychology and CBT, will enable you to deepen your knowledge of various innovative approaches and methods, which will be presented in four workshops led by CBT therapists and practitioners.

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  • Adaptation to enable you to continue working.
  • One or two days available à la carte.
  • Presentations by professionals specializing in CBT.
  • Complementarity of profiles expected within the class, for a rich exchange of ideas.


This academics is aimed at psychiatrists, psychologists or doctors with a academics in CBT (e.g. the CBT DIU atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc or equivalent), as well as professionals working in victim care.


Admission is selective and is based on an application (covering letter and CV, including initial and continuing training and professional experience). Applications can be sent electronically or on paper to the head of academics.


  • Send application 15 days before start of academics.


  • If you don't have the required diploma, you can access academics via the Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels (VAPP) program: See our dedicated page.


June 19, 2024

The Solution-Centered Approach, a posture and tools to support motivation, illuminate resources and inspire hope in recovery.

Speaker : Marine Paucsik

Solution-focused therapy (SFT) is a clinical practice developed by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and members of the Brief Family Therapy Center in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, in the early 1980s (de Shazer, 1982, 1985, 1988; de Shazer, Berg, Lipchik, et al., 1986). As its name suggests, GBA is defined by its focus on building solutions rather than solving problems. Using a number of language-based processes, GBA enables therapists and patients to focus therapeutic work on the patient's skills, resources and strengths, and on how these can be harnessed to bring about the desired change. In this respect, it is based on the assumption that the individual possesses resources and has already put in place solutions to overcome his or her difficulties (Weiner-Davis, de Shazer, & Gingerich, 1987). This presentation will provide an understanding of the origins and theoretical foundations of GBA, as well as an insight into its practical application.

Mental injury on a humanitarian mission, the benefits of the aid-pair.

Speakers : Hélène Ros and Sébastien Couturier - Cocreate humanité

Despite the academics and preparation work carried out by associations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with their volunteers and employees, exposure to crisis situations inevitably has psychological repercussions for those who experience them. Working in the humanitarian field is therefore a twofold challenge. For those who embark on an expatriation: working in the humanitarian field means preparing to leave to adapt to new and difficult living conditions, and preparing to return to an environment that was familiar at the outset, but which will become foreign, abnormal and difficult upon return.
CoCreate Humanity has set up a peer-help scheme for current and future generations in the humanitarian sector. The aim is to provide humanitarian workers with a neutral, benevolent forum for dialogue, a place where they can express themselves freely and without judgment. The association is aimed at a very wide audience, from the younger generation of aid workers to retirees and those left behind in the sector.

June 20, 2024

MOSAIC therapy for pain-free resolution of psycho-trauma.

Speaker : Stéphanie Khalfa

Unlike psycho-trauma therapies that focus on traumatic memory and associated suffering, the MOSAIC method focuses on the solutions already present in each of us, through bodily experience and physical sensations. Patients are invited to "live" fully in their bodies the strengths and possibilities that exist within them. By working on neural synchronization through alternating bilateral stimulation (auditory or tactile), patients connect their desired sensations to the traumatic memory, enabling the release of their painful emotions. MOSAIC therapy thus enables patients to heal without pain. Using sensory stimulation, they can finally experience a lighter, calmer, more joyful present. MOSAIC therapy is a novel, solid, scientific therapy that is joyful to live with, and comfortable for patients and therapists alike.

How to run a psychoeducation group with PTSD patients?

Speaker : Dylan Patiram

Dylan Patiram is a freelance psychologist in Lyon and a research engineer at the University of Lyon 2 in a laboratory focusing on the mental health of the most vulnerable (disability, youth...). He is working on a project to better understand eating disorders among young people, and is also continuing his post-trauma support work.
His talk focuses on the pitfalls to be avoided when setting up a group. Then, the points to watch out for when leading the group, in particular keeping patients within the tolerance window. The various psycho-educational points will be discussed, with examples of answers to patients' most frequently asked questions. Finally, we'll look at what we can expect from such a group.


academics takes place on June 19 and 20, 2024.
Each module lasts one day (6 hours).


UFR Lettres, Langues, Sciences Humaines (LLSH)
Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Jacob-Bellecombette University Campus
Route du Sergent Revel
73000 Jacob-Bellecombette


The complete cycle (12h) :

One day (6h) :