Application process and conditions - DAEU - USMB

Prepare for the DAEU atUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc :

Preparation for the DAEU is organized in evening classes or with partner training centers. If you are unable to attend face-to-face classes,Université Savoie Mont Blanc gives you the option of distance learning through the CNED. Some DAEU courses are only offered by distance learning or with partner training centers. You can take the DAEU over one or more years, up to a maximum of 4 years. If you opt to take the DAEU over several years, you will have to re-register each year for the subjects you have not passed.

The steps :

- Choice of course
- Over 20 years old
- No A-levels
- Information meeting
- Placement tests
- Application validation
- File
- Payment
- Entry in academics

Registration conditions :

Prérequis académiques : Aucun.

Have interrupted their initial studies for at least two years.

Meet one of the following conditions:

  • Must be at least 20 years old on October 1 of the year of the exam, and provide proof of two years' paid employment or an activity that has led to two years' social security contributions (periods of unemployment with registration with France Travail, raising a child, national service, participation in a academics professional scheme, high-level sports activity, etc.).
  • Must be 24 years of age or older on October 1 of the year of the exam.

For foreign candidates :
A residence permit valid on October 31 of the exam year is required.

For disabled candidates:
Disabled candidates may request a waiver of all or part of the examination requirements.

Conditions for obtaining :

  • There are no eliminatory marks, and all subjects compensate for each other.
  • Coefficient 1 for each subject.
  • Possibility of passing in 4 years, and keeping validated subjects.


Useful links :