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Google scholar

Go to Google scholar

Contents: search engine specialized in academic research literature: it indexes peer-reviewed journal articles, theses, books, pre-prints and reports. These documents come from scientific publishers, learned societies, preprint directories and university servers.

Google Scholar is multidisciplinary, but resources in the exact sciences are better covered than those in the humanities and social sciences. The period covered, the volume and the updating are unknown.

You can set up Google Scholar to show which documents are accessible in full text via the library's subscriptions:

  • By setting Google Scholar on your browser. You will see "Full text @BU USMB" next to the document references:

  1. Go to Google Scholar
  2. Click on "Settings" (top left)
  3. Click on "Links to libraries" (left-hand menu)
  4. Search for "Savoie
  5. Check " Université Savoie Mont Blanc ".
  6. Register

Number of simultaneous accesses: unlimited

Interface language: multilingual

Content language: multilingual