Thanks to the legal deposit requirement for doctoral theses in electronic format, the thesis benefits from a permanent URL and permanent archiving by the Centre informatique national de l'enseignement supérieur(CINES).
- Open access gives your doctoral thesis real visibility at national and international level, making it easy to consult.
- Internet publication enables the major specialized search engines to harvest your thesis data and offer it as a search result to a wider community.
- The option of free distribution on the Internet offers you an additional guarantee against plagiarism in addition to official dating, since your work will be known by a multitude of people.
If the author of the thesis refuses its distribution, electronic access to the thesis will be restricted to members of the French Higher Education and Research community via an intranet.
The author can also choose to freely distribute his thesis after an embargo period during which the thesis will only be distributed on the intranet.
Access to the full text varies according to the author's choice of distribution channel
On local platforms for theses defended at USMB
- USMB BU catalog for theses issued by the USMB establishment
- Université de Grenoble theses for theses issued by the Communauté Université Grenoble Alpes and Université Grenoble Alpes establishments
On national platforms
- national site for French doctoral theses (theses in progress, theses defended, people and organizations associated with these theses)
- HAL theses French national open archive
- SUDOC catalog of French higher education libraries and documentation centers
On international platforms
- BASE Bielefeld academic search engine: search engine for open-access academic data
- DART Europe E theses portal
- NDLTD Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations
- OATD Open Access Theses and Dissertations
- OpenAIRE search
- Google scholar
As a doctor, you are responsible for the quality of the data in your thesis, and for ensuring that it is properly referenced on national and international platforms.
A number of points need to be checked before the BU can archive and distribute your thesis.
Registration / Submission of thesis before defense: the doctoral school Doctoral School is your point of contact for
- provide information on the administrative aspects of your thesis
- and support you on the ADUM application for thesis administrative data
Doctoral School Culture, Societies, Territories CST
Graduate School of Environmental Engineering Sciences SIE
Perpetual archiving / Thesis reporting and distribution: the library is your point of contact for
- guide you through the archiving and distribution of your thesis
- accompany you on the ADUM application to enter data specific to thesis distribution
- archiving, reporting and distributing your thesis after defense