HAL is the national open archive created in 2001 by the CCSD (Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe). It is a platform for the deposit and open access dissemination of researchers' scientific work.

Since 2009, the USMB has had its own open archive portal: HAL USMB. This portal showcases the scientific output of the university's researchers and teacher-researchers.

USMB backed up its commitment to open access by adopting a mandatory deposit mandate for publications by its teacher-researchers in its institutional archive on December 19, 2017.

The mandatory writ of mandamus adopted by the USMB implies :

  • The deposit in HAL of the full electronic version of articles written byUniversitĂ© Savoie Mont Blanc members in a peer-reviewed journal since January 1, 2011.
  • Entry of bibliographic references for all publications byUniversitĂ© Savoie Mont Blanc members and hosted researchers since January 1, 2007.

Submitting to HAL means

  • Participate in the Open Access movement, with a view to the free dissemination of knowledge within the scientific community and to the general public.
  • Make your research widely available and increase the visibility of your work: HAL publications can be found by search engines such as Google, Google Scholar, OpenAire, etc.
  • Guaranteed long-term access to your work: the unique, permanent URLs provided by HAL ensure stable citations. All documents deposited in HAL are stored on CINES servers (Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement SupĂ©rieur), guaranteeing long-term access to files, as well as format continuity.
  • Facilitate the collection of bibliometric data for the drafting of HCERES reports for laboratories
  • Protect yourself from plagiarism: HAL allows you to prove scientific anteriority (thanks to the date of deposit)
  • Meeting national and European requirements, and USMB obligations


What's the difference between HAL and social research networks like Research Gate or Academia?

Although extremely useful in terms of visibility and career development, these networks are run by commercial companies. As such, their purpose is not the same as that of a public platform such as HAL. There is no guarantee of permanent archiving: they are free to delete articles or contributions without notice.

We advise you to use them for their social aspect: creating links between peers and increasing your visibility. Nonetheless, we recommend that you deposit your research work in HAL beforehand, to ensure high-quality archiving, and then make a link from these social networks to the institutional archive.

You can deposit all your research-level documents in HAL: articles, papers, posters, books, book chapters, working papers, proceedings, reports, etc.

You can make a HAL deposit from any HAL portal. Your publications will automatically be visible in HAL, HAL USMB and your laboratories' collections.

Before filing :

  • The full text is deposited in agreement with the co-authors and in compliance with the publishers' policy.
  • Online publication is subject to moderation
  • All deposits are final
  • Deposited files are sent to the Centre Informatique National de l'Enseignement SupĂ©rieur(CINES) for long-term archiving.

To help you submit to HAL and make the best use of the platform, the CCSD offers :

  • The case of a published article :

If your research activity is financed by French public funds for at least 50%, and if you publish these results in a journal that releases at least one issue per year, the Law for a Digital Republic authorizes you to deposit up to the final accepted version* of your articles, with a maximum embargo of 6 months for a journal in Science, Technology and Medicine or 12 months for a journal in the Humanities and Social Sciences, whatever the contract signed with the publisher.

*Final accepted version or post-print or post-publication: the author's final version with the changes made by peers, but without the editor's formatting.

To submit the publisher's version (final version of the article with the publisher's layout) or to submit your author's version without embargo, you must have the publisher's explicit agreement. To find out about your publisher's policy, visit the Sherpa Romeo website.

Embargo management in HAL:

Even if there is an embargo, you can immediately deposit your file in HAL and apply an embargo at the time of deposit, ranging from 1 month to 2 years. The bibliographic reference will be visible for consultation, but the file will not be visible until the embargo period has expired.

  • The case of preprints :

You can submit pre-prints or pre-publications (versions submitted to the journal before any revision process) to HAL. Remember to check the policy of the journal you wish to publish in before submitting your article. To do so, consult the Sherpa Romeo website or contact the publisher directly.

If you would like to pre-publish in an open archive before submitting your manuscript to a publisher, please consult the practical guide to preprints.

  • Useful links on legal issues:

Video "Open archives: what about my copyright?

Hal : Legal questions
Couperin FAQ on the law for a digital republic
Application guide to the law for a digital republic