Submitting your brief

DUMAS (Dépôt Universitaire de Mémoires Après Soutenance) is an open archive portal hosted by HAL, designed to disseminate student work: jury-validated dissertations at bac+4 and bac+5 levels, in all disciplines.
To promote the work of its students, the USMB has opened its DUMAS USMB collection.

Dissertations submitted to DUMAS USMB are selected at the time of defense, by the jury, which agrees to the distribution of the work. Confidential aspects can be managed, as far as possible, in the form of appendices removed from the archived document. It is also possible to mark the dissertation by deferring access to the full text (embargo).

Submitting your dissertation to DUMAS means:

  • benefit from wide distribution of your work
  • ensure the long-term preservation of your work
  • easily communicate your work (stable, long-lasting URL)


Here are the mandatory steps for reporting and distributing your brief: