Researcher IDs play an important role in the construction of a digital identity. They enable researchers to be unambiguously identified (avoiding homonyms) and, at the same time, to communicate about their activities by centralizing their productions.
There are several researcher identifiers: identifiers created by the researcher him/herself (e.g. ORCID, IdHAL) and identifiers assigned automatically when one of the researcher's publications is listed in a library catalog (e.g. IdRef), or identifiers linked to a database (e.g. ScopusId).
All these identifiers are of interest. In order to bring together all his scientific productions as exhaustively as possible, the researcher must create links between his different identifiers.
To find out more about identifiers: https: //
The ORCID identifier is a code that uniquely identifies researchers who publish. It resolves problems of homonymy, name changes and publishers' spelling rules (full first name, initial only, etc.). It is awarded by ORCID, an international non-profit organization.
It has become an indispensable identifier. You can use it to :
- be permanently identified: your ORCID ID follows you throughout your career, no matter where you work, who finances you, if your name changes or appears in different forms
- communicate your identity: registering with ORCID generates an ORCID profile that you can fill in with various information (educational background, institutions of affiliation, projects funded, personal websites, etc.).
- communicate on your activities: in your ORCID account you can list all your productions
- respond to a call for projects or a grant (some funding agencies ask applicants to enter their ORCID identifier on the application form)
- submit an article (many scientific publishers ask for the ORCID identifier at the time of submission)
Create your ORCID: https: //
ORCID identifier: what's it all about(video)
The IdHAL is a unique identifier managed in HAL. It enables a user known as an author in HAL to group together all his publications, whatever the different forms in which his name may have been entered (e.g. Marie Dupont, M. Dupont, Marie Dupont-Martin, etc.) and to choose one by default.
Creating an IdHal also enables you to generate a HAL CV, i.e. a personal page with a stable, permanent URL, listing your publications.
Your HAL researcher page can then be promoted on your laboratory's web page, as an e-mail signature, in your social networking profiles, etc.
To help you create your IdHal and HAL CV, the CCSD team offers a tutorial and one-hour distance learning courses ( registration required).
If you have an ORCID, you can associate it with your IdHal. This will enable you to transfer your HAL deposits to your ORCID profile " Complete your ORCID file with your HAL deposits".
IdRef (Identifiants et Référentiels pour l'Enseignement supérieur et la Recherche) is a repository of authorities for French higher education, developed by ABES (Agence des Bibliothèques de l'Enseignement Supérieur).
The IdRef author identifier has been created to avoid problems of homonymy and name changes in ABES catalogs, and to facilitate the link between a contributor and his publications.
Researchers are automatically assigned an IdRef identifier as soon as their thesis is defended and published on (i.e. it is created at the start of their scientific career), or as soon as they are identified as an author in one of the Higher Education catalogs.
To find out your IdRef, search for your name on