Diplôme inter-universitaire : les troubles du spectre de l’autisme : accompagnement tout au long de la vie

Our understanding of autism spectrum disorders is evolving under the impetus of research in genetics, neuroscience, psychology and psychopathology. This research has radically altered our understanding of these disorders, but has also led us to rethink both diagnosis and support. A better understanding of the evolution of this knowledge should enable professionals to offer better "individualization" ofsupport for people with autism, not only during childhood but throughout their lives.

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Ce diplôme est proposé par l’université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB) et l’université Grenoble Alpes (UGA)

Program produced and organized in collaboration with CESA (CHS de la Savoie).

For all inquiries, please fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Download in PDF format :


  • To better understand the impact and importance of theevolution of knowledgein the diagnosis and care of children and adults with autism spectrum disorders.
  • Use the most appropriate tools and/or methods for individualized support.

After a general presentation of current knowledge and recommendations, interactive workshops will cover differential diagnosis, different intervention methods and support at all ages. Special sessions (optional focus) will enable those who wish to do so to explore a particular aspect in greater depth.


  • Identify the diagnostic criteria and classifications associated with ASD
  • Recognizing and differentiating intervention models in the field of autism
  • Participate in the development of support projects
  • Be able to pass on up-to-date knowledge in your professional environment
  • Describing the role of neuroscience and neurodevelopmental temporality
  • Describe and differentiate the main factors and causes of autism
  • Identifying the challenges of early detection
  • Describe the main diagnostic tools
  • Communicating and supporting diagnosis and support
  • Targeting the objectives of an intervention and evaluating its effects
  • Identify different intervention methods and levels of intervention
  • Identify the adjustments to be made (school and work)
  • Apply tools for managing behavior and developing social skills
  • Reflecting critically on professional practice


5 modules de 5 jours (175h) d’octobre à septembre

■ MODULE 1 : du 7 au 11 octobre 2024 (35h)
Socle commun de connaissances
Approfondissement : «Autisme et sensorialité»
■ MODULE 2 : du 9 au 13 décembre 2024 (5 jours)
L’évaluation au service de l’accompagnement
Approfondissement : «Approfondissement des savoirs et savoir-faire concernant les principaux outils diagnostiques»
■ MODULE 3 : du 10 au 14 mars 2025 (5 jours)
Accompagnement : méthodes d’intervention et de remédiation
+ encadrement pédagogique
■ MODULE 4 : du 19 au 23 mai 2025 (5 jours)
L’autisme à l’âge adulte + encadrement pédagogique
Approfondissement : « Entraînement aux habiletés sociales à tous les âges »
■ MODULE 5 : du 22 au 26 septembre 2025
(5 jours)
Parcours + encadrement pédagogique
■ EXAMEN FINAL (Grand Oral) :
Evaluation QCM
(30 min) : 17 novembre 2025
Evaluation Grand Oral
(30 min) : 8 décembre 2025

Présenter un projet professionnel élaboré en cours d’année sous la supervision de l’équipe pédagogique et intégrant les apports du DIU.
Présentation orale : 20 min + questions du jury (USMB ou UGA et CHS) : 10min

La session de soutenances (7h au totale) est envisagée comme un élément de formation :
les étudiants assistent aux présentations des autres stagiaires.



Healthcare and educational staff with professional experience of working with people with autism: general practitioners or specialists, nurses, psychologists, psychomotor therapists, speech therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, specialized educators, specialized teachers, school directors, etc.


Program produced and organized in collaboration with CESA (CHS de la Savoie).


  • Send application 15 days before start of academics.


  • If you don't have the required diploma, you can access academics via the Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels (VAPP) program: vapp@univ-smb.fr. See our dedicated page.



> Welcome and introduction.

> Common core of knowledge :

  • History of the concept, nosography, epidemiology
  • The lifelong semiological approach
  • The contribution of neuroscience and genetics to understanding autism
  • Cognitive theories applied to autism spectrum disorder
  • Sensory particularities: theoretical aspects

> Mandatory focus: Autism and sensoriality.

  • Sensory particularities: assessment and intervention options
  • Pediatric eating disorders: food orality from childhood to adulthood

■ MODULE 2 :

> Welcome - presentation of the module and MCC (personal work).

>Assessment for support :

  • The diagnostic process: from initial concern to diagnosis
  • Early diagnosis and neuropediatric consultation
  • Assessment to support individualized projects: language and communication, occupational therapy and psychomotricity
  • Differential diagnoses and comorbidities

> Focus: Deepening knowledge and know-how of the main diagnostic tools.

  • Diagnostic observation: approach and tools
  • Developmental and cognitive assessment: approach and tools
  • Exploring neurodevelopmental trajectories: approach and tools
  • Assessment in adults: approach and tools

■ MODULE 3 :

> Welcome - presentation of the module and progress of personal work.

> Coaching: intervention and remediation methods :

  • Intervention strategies :
    the educational approach
  • the developmental approach: ESDM,
  • behavioral approach: functional analysis, behavior management
  • learning through the ABA method and its various variations,
  • cognitive remediation.

> Preparing for the oral exam.


> Welcome - Presentation of the module and progress of personal work.

> Autism in adulthood :

  • Towards the inclusion of adults with autism in the mainstream environment: posture, tools and practical application
  • Integration into the world of work
  • Emotional and sexual life
  • Supporting autistic adults with intellectual disabilities
  • Analysis of clinical vignettes

> Optional focus: Social skills training for all ages


> Welcome - Module presentation and questions.

> Course :

  • Somatic care for all ages
  • Schooling pathways: systems, principles and procedures for schooling at all ages
  • The family pathway: helping caregivers
    and respite
  • Testimonials
  • Clinical vignettes
  • Tool sharing (autonomous)

Préparation au QCM
> Préparation au grand oral


  • QCM (30min)
  • Soutenance orale : 30 mn
    La session de soutenances (7h au totale) est envisagée comme un élément de formation :
    les étudiants assistent aux présentations des autres stagiaires.


25 jours, soit 5 modules de 5 jours


UFR Lettres, Langues, Sciences Humaines (LLSH)
Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Jacob-Bellecombette University Campus
Route du Sergent Revel
Jacob-Bellecombette 73000 Chambéry

Center Hospitalier Spécialisé de la Savoie
89 Avenue de Bassens, 73000 Bassens


DIU Complet (25 jours, soit 5 modules) :

  • Financement employeur : 3 500 €
  • Individual financing: Contact us using the form below





INFORMATION REQUEST academics University Diploma Autism Spectrum Disorders: Lifelong Support

Ask all your questions about the Diplôme Universitaire Troubles du spectre de l'autisme : Accompagnement tout au long de la vie.

  • This field is used for validation purposes only and should remain unchanged.

Links and Downloads :