
Appels à projets de l’Université franco-allemande (UFA)

Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la publication des appels à projets de l’Université franco-allemande (UFA) pour l’année universitaire 2025-2026 et vous mettre à connaissance des appels à projets permanents de la même institution. […]

Le printemps de la donnée

Le pole d’appui à la recherche de l’USMB et la Cellule Data de l’UGA participent à la troisième édition du Printemps de la donnée 2024. Le calendrier national est disponible et accessible à tous. Des […]

Procope Germany program

Since 1986, Procope has been committed to boosting collaborative research between France and Germany. Its main objective is to encourage new scientific cooperation while providing a springboard for young researchers in both countries. [...]

ECOS programs - Latin America

The ECOS program and corresponding committee were set up in December 1992 by the French Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Higher Education and Research. The ECOS committee is specifically responsible for [...]

Éole scholarships

The call for applications for the spring session of the Eole scholarships is now officially open. The Franco-Dutch Network awards mobility scholarships to master's and doctoral students in all disciplines, for [...].

My thesis in 180 seconds in Chambéry

The 11th edition of the academic final of the "Ma thèse en 180 secondes" competition, which took place with flying colors on Thursday, March 14, 2024 on the Malraux Chambéry stage. The event provided an opportunity to [...]