Doctoral College

The Collège Doctoral is part ofuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB). 

It is responsible for organizing doctoral studies and awarding the doctorate and habilitation to direct research (HDR). As guarantor of the establishment's policy in terms of academics to and through research, its missions fall within the framework of the USMB's scientific policy.

The Doctoral College is responsible for organizing doctoral studies for all doctoral students, regardless of the Doctoral School to which they belong.

In this capacity, it coordinates doctoral studies betweenuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc and Université Grenoble Alpes, for co-accredited doctoral schools.


The Collège Doctoral's missions are administrative, pedagogical and forward-looking. The Collège also has a role in promoting doctoral studies.


Missions administrative

The Collège Doctoral accompanies doctoral and HDR candidates throughout the preparation of their degree (from registration to defense), guaranteeing the validity of administrative procedures

It coordinates the activities of the Doctoral Schools in accordance with their remit and in response to changes in the national academics framework.

Pedagogy icon

Educational missions

In collaboration with the Doctoral Schools, the Doctoral College ensures that the academics offer is adapted to the needs of doctoral students. To this end, it designs and organizes training courses relating to transversal or general culture, scientific mediation and preparation for professional integration

These courses are offered to all USMB doctoral students, in addition to those provided by Doctoral School and Research units.



Prospective missions

The Collège Doctoral is also responsible for forward-looking reflection on the adaptation and development of the academics doctoral program in line with research needs and developments. The Collège Doctoral submits proposals to the USMB Research Commission for measures to promote the development of doctoral studies.



Valorization missions

The Doctoral College implements actions to promote the USMB Doctorate. It contributes to the international recognition of the Doctorate by supporting the mobility of doctoral students and the development of thesis cotutelles. 

Your contacts




Administrative managers:

Tel: +33 (0) / 84.32 


Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Université Savoie Mont Blanc

 Development, Research and Valorization Department

27 rue Marcoz

73011 CHAMBÉRY cedex