Defending your thesis

Find out more about information and procedures concerning the defense of your doctoral school.

USMB Accredited Schools 

USMB/UGA co-accredited schools




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USMB/UGA co-accredited schools :



Defense co-accredited schools USMB / UGA

Authorization to defend a thesis is granted by the President of theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, after consultation with the director of the Doctoral School to which you belong, on the recommendation of the thesis director.

Planning stages

The timetable below summarizes the various stages to be respected. It is essential to anticipate these stages in order to be able to respect this timetable.

At this stage, the process concerns two essential aspects: the appointment of rapporteurs and jury members, and requests for exemptions.

Jury composition

The appointment of rapporteurs and the composition of your defense jury is examined by the director of the Doctoral School to which you belong , who will validate it in accordance with the rules set out in articles 17 and 18 of the decree of May 25, 2016 and the recommendations of the Doctoral College.
  • At least 2 referees with an HDR from outside the doctoral school and registration institution
  • The thesis director or co-directors may be members of the jury, but they do not take part in the deliberations. Consequently, they do not sign the defense minutes.
  • The jury must comprise between 4 and 8 members. If there are 2 co-directors on the jury, the jury must comprise at least 5 members.
  • At least half of the jury members must be from outside the doctoral school and the institution in which the thesis is registered. UGA teaching and research staff are counted as external members if they belong to a doctoral school other than the one in which the thesis is being prepared.
  • At least half of the jury is made up of PR or similar staff (PR, PUPH, DR EPST, foreign PR).
  • The thesis jury must include at least one HDR member from one of the USMB's laboratories or research teams. This member may be an academic (Pr or MCF HDR) or an HDR researcher from a research organization present at the USMB. The presence on the jury of the thesis director, who is a member of the USMB, fulfils this condition.
  • The president of the jury is a PR or equivalent and is not part of the thesis direction (emeritus professors cannot be jury presidents).
  • Balanced representation of women and men on the jury

In the case of a co-supervised thesis, the composition of the jury is subject to special provisions set out in the co-supervision agreement. Please note: a member belonging to a co-supervising institution is considered an internal member when calculating the number of jury members.

Waiver request

They must be committed at this time in order to meet deadlines and transmit the requested documents.

It concerns the following cases and must be justified.

  • Confidentiality of the thesis and/or defense in camera
  • Thesis written in a language other than French and declared upon registration
  • Defense sessions taking place outside the USMB
  • Jury members present by videoconference. To authorize full videoconferencing, a derogation request must be generated from ADUM and granted by the doctoral college management: a complementary procedure is sent to the thesis management prior to the defense. For partial videoconferencing, a procedure is also sent to the thesis director. Please note, however, that the jury president and doctoral student must be physically present at the same location, i.e. the defense venue, during partial videoconference defenses.

First (provisional) electronic filing in ADUM:

The deposit is made in two instalments:

-a 1st deposit before the defense: 8 weeks before

-a 2nd at the latest 3 months after the defense, to make any necessary corrections. 

It is a prerequisite for the diploma.

Transmitting the manuscript to the referees

Transmission of the presentation cover and the completed 'devenir des docteurs' questionnaire.

Submission of a summary of your thesis in French and English

The president of the jury or the thesis director sends the minutes of the defense and the declaration of correction of the manuscript to the USMB Doctoral College. At the doctoral student's request, a certificate of success may be issued.
If the jury requests a major correction, the declaration of correction of the manuscript must be attested by the thesis director and sent to the doctoral college as soon as possible. The attestation of success will only be issued once this declaration has been received.

Second (final) e-filing: archiving declaration

The final electronic submission must be made no later than 3 months after the defense, so that corrections can be made if necessary. 

This second, definitive deposit will be the archival version of your thesis.

This is the full version in which the manuscript will be stored in the company's database.

Dissemination of the thesis is compulsory, the procedures for which are set out in articles 24 and 25 of the Order of May 25, 2016.

'Unless the thesis has a proven confidentiality character, its distribution is ensured in the institution of defense and within the entire university community. Online dissemination of the thesis beyond this perimeter is subject to the author's authorization, subject to the absence of a confidentiality clause' - Article 25 of the Order of May 25, 2016.
The advantages of thesis distribution
In the absence of a confidentiality clause, doctors are advised to authorize the distribution of their thesis for the following reasons: 
  • Make the results of their research known to the scientific community and thus contribute to open access to science 
  • Combat plagiarism by making it easier to trace the authorship of their own work.
  • If the thesis is confidential, the manuscript may be classified as confidential for a maximum period of 18 months.

The release version

This is the version that the doctoral student decides to distribute, and may therefore differ from the archival version, notably for reasons of confidentiality.

It is the doctoral student's responsibility to remove from the public version of the manuscript any confidential information or elements for which he or she does not hold the rights (photos, illustrations, texts, etc.).

The doctoral student may also decide on an embargo period before publication, for example for publishing projects (the embargo period defined by the doctoral student is completely free). In this case, the thesis is distributed with restricted "intranet" access until theembargo expires.

Please note: Even if an embargo period has been requested, the final manuscript must be submitted via the ADUM interface within 3 months of the defense (a mandatory condition for the awarding of the diploma).
Please refer to the document " Signaler et diffuser sa thèse à l'USMB " for useful information from the university libraries' research support service (contact:"

Distribution platforms

In addition to being available from, the Abes hosting and storage platform offers access to the full text of theses without a specific consultation interface.

Procedure for the defense

The defense is a public event, except in certain special cases (provided for in article 19 of the Order of May 25, 2016).

The defense is divided into two parts:

  • An oral presentation of the doctoral student's research for 20 to 45 minutes, depending on the discipline.
  • A discussion between the doctoral student and each member of the jury, led by the jury president.

The jury then meets to deliberate. At the end of the deliberation, the jury's decision is presented to the doctoral student in the presence of the audience.

In the event of admission to the doctoral degree, the jury president invites the doctoral student to take the doctoral oath.

"In the presence of my peers. Having completed my doctorate in [specialty], and having thus practiced, in my quest for knowledge, the exercise of demanding scientific research, cultivating intellectual rigor, ethical reflexivity and respect for the principles of scientific integrity, I undertake, for what will depend on me, in the continuation of my professional career whatever the sector or field of activity, to maintain a conduct of integrity in my relationship to knowledge, my methods and my results."              

The oath may be taken in English for non-French-speaking doctoral students, or in the case of an international co-supervision of a thesis, before a non-French-speaking audience.

In the presence of my peers. With the completion of my doctorate in [research field], in my quest for knowledge, I have carried out demanding research, demonstrated intellectual rigour, ethical reflection, and respect for the principles of research integrity. As I pursue my professional career, whatever my chosen field, I pledge, to the greatest of my ability, to continue to maintain integrity in my relationship to knowledge, in my methods and in my results."

The jury draws up a defense report, which is sent to academics .

En the event of admission, the doctoral student has three months in which to submit the final version of the thesis in electronic form. This submission is a prerequisite for the issuing of the
doctoral diploma by the establishment.

Don't forget to organize your presentation well in advance:

  • Room reservation
  • Sending invitations
  • Event announcement
  • Invitations (supervisors, colleagues, collaborators, people involved in the doctoral project, people involved in non-research and associative activities, relatives, etc.)
Blue support

Upcoming defense sessions

On this page, you can consult the list of forthcoming doctoral defenses of the Collège Doctoral de l'université Savoie Mont Blanc, as well as the details of each defense.