
As a doctoral student enrolled in an accredited USMB or co-accredited USMB/UGA doctoral school, you have access to several types of training courses designed to : 

  • Supporting you in your doctoral work
  • Give you maximum autonomy and ease in your field of research
  • Prepare you for your professional integration, whether in the field of public research or research and development in the corporate world


Your academics contract requires a minimum of 120 hours of academics during the preparation of your full-time thesis(50 hours for a part-time thesis).

USMB doctoral programs

They can be divided into 3 main types:


Proposed by your doctoral school

Scientific training courses enable doctoral students to explore
new scientific fields useful to their research work, and
to acquire a broader scientific culture in the themes
addressed by their doctoral school (Information available on
doctoral school websites).

Cross-disciplinary training

Proposed by your doctoral school or college

A set of modules designed to open up avenues of reflection on research in relation to major societal issues, and to acquire the practices and tools of the researcher or teacher-researcher.

for professional integration

Proposed by the doctoral college

A range of modules from academics to give doctoral students a better understanding of research careers and prepare them for professional integration and/or entrepreneurship.

Illustration academics doctoral student

USMB doctoral training catalog

Details of these courses, classified by type of academics, can be found in the ADUM catalog: