Since November 2020, USMB has been a co-founder of UNITA Universitas-Montium an alliance of 13 universities, supported by the European Commission's initiative. Launched in November 2020, it brings partners together around shared values and objectives, including a commitment to the European project and to the mountain territories in which they are located, in order to promote a new form of cooperation on a European scale.
UNITA has launched three thematic hubs to structure research within the alliance:
- Renewable energies
- Circular economy
- Cultural heritage
The aim of these hubs is to bring together researchers from the 12 founding universities and partner universities, in order to develop new research programs linked to the chosen themes.
Through the European alliance to which the USMB belongs, actions to promote doctoral studies have been set up to organize joint theses between alliance members.
Each year, UNITA' s partners provide between 8 and 12 doctoral grants in the alliance's three priority research areas.
Sessions of academics on open science and research data are available on the UNITA Universitas Montium YouTube channel, in useful documents you can find the training courses currently online. All these webinars are in English and led by specialists in the field. They do not include accredited hours, but they are very enriching depending on your course of study.
More information on the university's UNITA page
This is the extra-European network of UNITA, an alliance which, by taking advantage of the visibility and attractiveness of European universities, is in the process of creating a worldwide network of "sister" universities, based on the quality of the institutions, and initially on active cooperation between UNITA's universities and partners, with the aim of being an expanding community of universities which will continually increase its partners over time.
This project aims to cooperate with UNITA's associate partners: Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie (AUF), Organización de Estados Iberoamericanos (OEI) and Associação das Universidades de Língua Portuguesa (AULP). The role of these institutions will be essential in identifying new partners and key areas of cooperation.
The aim of the Geminae program, which already includes 30 universities outside Europe, is to broaden the exchange of best practices developed by UNITA in all areas, namely academics, research, innovation and links with society. It will facilitate the mobility of students from these institutions to UNITA, and even encourage students to settle in UNITA countries and regions.
ITBA: Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires
Universidade Estadual de Campinas
Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Universidad Catolica de Colombia
Hassan II University, Casablanca
Universidad Autónoma San Luis Potosí
Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo
The RELIEF network allies our university with the Haute Ecole Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale and the Université Québec à Trois Rivières. It marks the willingness of these universities to pursue their collaborative actions and develop new collaborative projects with other partners.
Since 2015, the universities in the RELIEF network have organized annual International Summer Schools (ISS) in the fields of renewable energies, teaching in the digital age, and aquatic ecology.
These summer schools are open to :
- Master's and doctoral students from member universities and associated partners
- for professionals
- stakeholders from government and business organizations in French-speaking countries
Joint participation in events
- The founding members of the RELIEF network frequently take part in the Semaine de la langue française et de la Francophonie with joint activities.
On this occasion, the USMB and its partners offer quizzes on French language and expressions, dictations and conferences on the French-speaking world, with the support of the USMB's Pôle Langues ACCENTS. - Every year, APAIE (Asia-Pacific Association for International Education) organizes an international trade fair.
In March 2018, the member universities of the RELIEF network took part - with a joint stand - in this international event. Building on this first experience, UQTR, HES-SO and USMB are renewing their joint participation under the RELIEF network banner at the virtual 2022 edition.
For more information RELIEF - Université Savoie Mont Blanc
Campus Rhodanien
The Alliance Campus Rhodanien (ACR), which brings together French and Swiss institutions, aims to intensify and promote scientific research in this area of innovation with an international reach. Every two years, it launches calls for projects open to all themes, without restriction or limitation, in order to maintain an alternation between open and themed calls for projects. For each call for projects, 14 projects received financial support from the ACR, with an average budget of €13,000 per project.
For more information Alliance Campus Rhodanien - Université Savoie Mont Blanc