Doctoral grants

Université Savoie Mont Blanc is launching a call for projects to award doctoral grants to help Research units support the development of research projects in line with the USMB's three areas of excellence: Human-Environment Interactions (IHE), Services and Industry of the Future (SIF), Cultural Heritage and Changing Societies (PCSM).

This call for projects has been allocated resources both under the establishment's doctoral policy and the Shine project (AAP Excellences sous toutes ses formes - ANR-22-EXES-0017) aimed at promoting research excellence. This means that 6 doctoral grants will be available in 2024. The Collège Doctoral, in conjunction with the Institut des Transitions, is responsible for organizing this call for projects.

Doctoral grants are awarded on the basis of the scientific quality of the candidates and their motivation for research. The assessment of projects will also be based on their ability to fall within the three USMB themes of excellence mentioned above. They may also specify their involvement in environmental, industrial or societal transitions..

In addition, only thesis projects carried out by professors and researchers attached to the USMB and carried out at the USMB's Research units are eligible. 

A maximum of 1 application per Research unit is expected. Projects involving several Research units will be submitted by one Research unit main sponsor.

The selection committee of the Doctoral College of the Université Savoie Mont-Blanc will meet on Thursday 06 and Friday 07 June 2024 to audition candidates for doctoral grants.

The Collège will submit a ranking proposal to the school's Research Commission, which will meet on Thursday June 13, 2024.

Applications must be submitted and approved by the unit management before Thursday May 30, 2024, 12 noon (strict deadline).

Interested candidates must first contact the USMB research teams in their scientific field to define the thesis topic and access to the application platform.

The application file must contain :

  • Description of the thesis project according to the project sheet sent to Research units
  • Candidate's CV
  • Cover letter.
  • Average grades and ranking in bachelor's degree or equivalent (Bac+3)
  • Grades, average and ranking in M1 and M2 or equivalent levels. 
  • Letters of reference, including one from the supervisor of the internship/dissertation at Bac+5 level 
  • Opinion of the future thesis supervisor

List of Research units at USMB :