supervising a thesis

HDR Diploma

The highest university qualification, the Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR), is a national higher education diploma - defined by the decree of November 23, 1988 - that can be obtained after a doctorate. 

This diploma enables you to:
  • Becoming thesis director (without HDR commission approval)
  • Apply for a position as University Professor
  • Rapporteur for thesis and HDR juries
  • Become an HDR jury member

The HDR title is also important for applying for research director positions (CNRS, INRIA, etc.).

Find out more about HDR procedures and information at Doctoral School .

USMB Accredited Schools 

USMB/UGA co-accredited schools





Application for HDR registration in the case of USMB-UGA co-accredited schools

The candidate's application is evaluated by the doctoral school to which he or she belongs (see details of the criteria taken into account on the doctoral school's website). The application is generally examined by the doctoral school's HDR commission, whose membership is available on the doctoral school's website.

Once your school has given its approval, you can register with the USMB and organize your viva following the procedure described below. This registration allows you to defend your thesis during the current academic year.

Planning the stages of your presentation

The timetable below summarizes the various stages to be respected for your presentation. It is essential to anticipate these stages in order to be able to respect this timetable.

  • Preparation of the application file for HDR registration (see the requirements for the file requested by your Doctoral School). Enclose the USMB registration authorization form ( formulaire d'autorisation d'inscription.doc).
  • Examination of the application and recommendation by your Doctoral School's HDR Commission
  • Transmission of the opinion to the USMB Doctoral College and validation of the registration authorization, if applicable.
  • Registration with the USMB School Office

Please note: registration authorization is valid for 2 years. If registration and defense do not take place within two years, a new application must be submitted.

  • Withdrawal of the "proposal for rapporteurs" and "proposal for a jury" forms, as well as the "summary of work" form.
  • Transmission of completed "proposal for rapporteurs" and "proposal for jury" forms

    - to the management ofDoctoral School for approval and signature

    - transmission to the USMB doctoral college for validation and signature

The jury must reflect the complementary nature of the disciplines involved in the candidate's work. It is made up of at least 5 members, at least half of whom are professors or equivalent.

As far as possible, it comprises:
- three rapporteurs,
- one or two personalities from the Doctoral College authorized to direct research
- one or more French or foreign personalities chosen for their scientific competence.

  • After validation, the Collège doctoral sends an e-mail to the three rapporteurs asking for their opinion.
  • The candidate sends a copy of his or her manuscript to the referees.
  • Return of HDR evaluation reports from the 3 rapporteurs.
  • If necessary, the USMB Doctoral College prepares the defense decree.
  • If not already done, candidate sends manuscript to other jury members
    • Doctoral College sends invitations to candidates and jury members
    • HDR defense documents are sent to the candidate or guarantor for the president appointed by the jury.
  • The minutes of the defense and the defense report are sent to the Doctoral College (DDRV). 
  • The Collège Doctoral sends the student a certificate of successful completion, together with a copy of the examination report and the examination report.

Request for approval to supervise thesis

Le Collège Doctoral a mis en place une procédure de demande d’autorisation à la direction ou codirection de thèse sans HDR noté agrément (Article 16 de l’arrêté du 25 mai 2016). 

Cet agrément peut être donné pour le temps de la réalisation d’une thèse bien précise. Cette demande est évaluée suivant les critères définis par chacune des écoles doctorales pour avis et devra être validée par la commission recherche de l’USMB dans le cas d’une demande pour une thèse inscrite à l’USMB. 

Il est donc fortement conseillé de se rapprocher de son école de rattachement.

Dans le cas d’une école co-accrédités, pour toute demande veuillez utiliser le formulaire Demande agrément à la direction de thèse.