The doctorate is a three-year academics degree that can be obtained after obtaining a national master's diploma (or on the basis of recognition of an equivalent level). After defending a thesis, it leads to the grade de docteur.
The doctorate is governed by the decree of May 25, 2016, which sets out the national framework for academics and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctorate diploma.
The academics doctoral program is a process of academics to and through research. It therefore involves several players: doctoral students, thesis directors, research laboratories and doctoral schools. Atuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB), 52 doctoral specialties can be prepared within the 10 accredited doctoral schools and 18 research laboratories spread across the university's 3 campuses.
The academics doctoral program is a path of excellence, requiring demanding work during which doctoral students devote a great deal of time to research. More than just a academics, the doctorate is therefore a real professional experience, enabling students to acquire a wide range of skills that can be put to good use in public or private research.
The academics doctoral program is punctuated by a series of important milestones and administrative obligations that must be fulfilled right up to the thesis defense.
In these pages, you'll find all the information you need to get started, as well as other useful information on financing, registration and exams.