University Diploma (DU) - Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) academics Quality Management Annecy Geneva

This academics is a joint Diplôme d'Université Management par la Qualité (DU) (FR) and Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) HES-SO Management par la Qualité (CH). This course was created by HES-SO Valais as part of a Master of Advanced Studies HES-SO in Quality & Strategy Management. This MAS is divided into two main parts (Quality Manager and Strategy Manager), each comprising two CAS.

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This academics course covers quality management and its implementation. Following this course, participants will be able to set up and run a quality management system that meets the requirements of current standards such as those in the ISO 9000 family.


  • Understand the management system and the systemic approach.
  • Analyze the company's context and policies.
  • Analyze and manage risks.
  • Describe processes and interactions and manage documentary information.
  • Measuring performance.


  • Open enrolment for the module or full degree cycle.
  • The academics schedule has been specially adapted to allow you to continue working.
  • Active teaching method, alternating theoretical input and practical exercises.
  • Complementary profiles within the class and rich exchanges.

target audience and prerequisites :

Eligible candidates are holders of a Swiss Bachelor's degree or a French Licence 3. In the absence of a Bac+3 qualification, candidates can access academics via Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels (VAPP):
This program is of particular interest to future quality managers needing to set up or take over a quality management system; project managers or executives wishing to master the ISO 9001:2015 standard; experienced people in the quality field wishing to validate their field experience.


  • Send application 15 days before start of academics.


L’inscription à cette formation doit se faire conjointement à l’Université Savoie Mont Blanc (avec ce formulaire d’inscription et les pièces à fournir) ET à la Haute École Spécialisée de Suisse Occidentale (HES·SO). Pour vous inscrire à la partie suisse de la formation cliquez ici.


  • If you don't have the required diploma, you can access academics via the Validation des Acquis Personnels et Professionnels (VAPP) program: See our dedicated page.


Module 1 : Introduction

  • Accueil, présentation générale, organisation
  • Introduction à la qualité
  • SMQ – fil rouge – orientation parties prenantes
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 2: Corporate context and policy

  • Context and corporate citizenship.
  • A responsible, high-performance company
  • Context analysis (swot, pestel and other analysis tools) - Stakeholder analysis (grid, matrices, sphere of influence) - Tools and workshops
  • Corporate policy (values, vision, mission, commitments)
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 3 : Analyse des risques et analyse environnementale

  • Introduction to risk management - risks and opportunities standards (ISO 31000, ISO 45001)
  • Frequency-severity - importance of risks - risk management stages - risk monitoring by the internal control system (ICS)
  • Environmental risk analysis - links with an ISO-type management system - tools and workshops
  • Introduction et sensibilisation à la gestion de crise
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 4 : Approche processus et gestion documentaire

  • Describe your organization in terms of processes - study of information flows and expectations - analysis of added value - typology of processes: production, support and managerial
  • Processes and interactions - ISO 9001 mapping and requirements - Representations (flowchart, BPMN modeling) - Case studies
  • Informations documentées au service des processus – gestion documentaire
    (traçabilité, archivage, destruction, etc.)
  • Location: Annecy IUT

Module 5: Performance measurement

  • Performance vision - Hoshin Kanri method - X matrix - KPIs / indicators - DMAIC approach - smart method
  • Notion of dashboards - prospective dashboards (Balance Score Card) - application examples - aspects of visual communication - short-interval animation - Quality Operating System
  • Mise en application de la communication visuelle : COUNTRY (jeu) – indicateurs et
    la vision ISO 9001 – mise en œuvre et entretien d’un tableau de bord
  • Location: HEG-Geneva

Module 6: Alignment - company visit


Organized on the basis of 2 or 3 days per month, this 107-hour academics is made up of 6 modules.


Click here to consult the assessment methods for each module this link.


The award of the diploma and CAS is conditional upon :
- Completion of the academics curriculum.
- An overall average of at least 10/20.
- No validation by competence block possible.


■ Annecy University Institute of Technology (IUT)
Annecy-le-Vieux University Campus
9 rue de l'Arc-en-Ciel
Annecy-le-Vieux 74940 ANNECY

■ HEG Geneva
Battelle Campus
Rue de la Tambourine 17
1227 Carouge, Switzerland


Full diploma cycle :
7,550 (not subject to VAT)

2020 SUCCESS RATE: 100%.

Educational program :


Information and registration:

HES-SO Geneva :

INFORMATION REQUEST academics DU & CAS Quality Management Annecy Geneva

Ask your questions about the University Diploma and CAS in Quality Management Annecy / Geneva!

  • This field is used for validation purposes only and should remain unchanged.