ONLINE information meeting: academics CONSULTANT University Diploma - Registration form below

November 5, 2020 6:30 pm

Online information meeting - Free registration - Presentation of the University Diploma in Consulting.

Interested in becoming a consultant? Take part in our online information meeting and ask all your questions. academics has been specially designed for people who are already working or who are changing careers. You can follow the complete cycle to become a consultant, or choose "à la carte" modules to perfect your skills.

  • Tuesday, October 20, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.
  • Thursday, November 05, 2020 at 6:30 p.m.

To receive an e-mail link to the online meeting (Microsoft Teams), please fill in the following form:

Can't make it? Visit our dedicated page: Click here

Useful links :

Contents of academics :

  • BLOCK 1 / Getting to grips with the consulting profession
    1.1 / Validate your positioning

    1.2 / Analyze the consulting and continuing professional development market academics
    1.3 / Set up and manage your business
  • BLOC 2 / Develop your consulting business
    2.1 / Develop your service offering

    2.2 / Selling and communicating your services
    2.3 / Developing your network and e-reputation
    2.4 / Manage and secure customer relations
  • BLOCK 3 / Improving your consulting skills
    3.1 / Mastering the consultant's posture

    3.2 / Supporting change
    3.3 / Building and negotiating a consulting assignment
  • BLOCK 4 option A / Professionalizing as an adult educator
    4.1 A / Andragogy or adult pedagogy

    4.2 A / Design a training program academics
    4.3 A / Lead a training session academics
    4.4 A / Evaluate
  • BLOCK 4 option B / Supporting management
    4.1 B / The company director and his environment

    4.2 B / The manager and growth management
    4.3 B / The manager and his teams
Institut Universitaire de academics Professionnelle
Université Savoie Mont Blanc
academics Continuous Service
Aude Roizot
Education ManagerTel. 04 50 09 22 43