Admission to Polytech Annecy-Chambéry engineering school

Cycle préparatoire - PeiP - After a general baccalaureate

General baccalaureate holders can be admitted to PeiP (Polytech engineering schools), through the Concours Geipi Polytech Filière générale (group of 35 public engineering schools).

  • Terminale générale students enrolled in a French lycée or one approved by AEFE (Agence Enseignement Français à l'Etranger)
  • Students with a general baccalaureate obtained in 2022 in a French lycée or a lycée approved by the AEFE

After a study of the candidate's file, if he or she is selected, the competition includes a written test or an oral test. The choice of test center is independent of the candidate's career choice.

To give yourself the best chance of succeeding in your engineering studies at one of the Polytech schools, it is advisable to have taken :

In Première class :

  • The mathematics speciality
  • The physics and chemistry speciality
  • A3rd specialty of your choice

In Terminale :
The mathematics specialization supplemented by one of the following specializations

  • Physics and chemistry
  • Life and earth sciences
  • Digital and computer sciences
  • Engineering Sciences
  • Biology-ecology (in agricultural high schools)

Or the complementary mathematics option plus two of the five specialties listed above.

  • Registration for the competition: from January 17 to March 14, 2024 on Parcoursup
  • Confirmation of wishes: until April 3, 2024 on Parcoursup
  • Written test: Tuesday afternoon, April 30, 2024 at one of 200 centers
  • Results: from May 30, 2024 on Parcoursup

The balanced distribution of students on each of Polytech's 2 sites (Annecy or Le Bourget-du-Lac) is based on the applicants' response time. The first to reply will have the choice within the limits of available places.

Student engineering cycle - After a BAC+2 or +3 or +4 degree

After completing the preparatory cycle of Polytech engineering schools, a "Classe Préparatoire aux Grandes Écoles", a BUT, a licence other bac+2 +3 or a Master 1, you can enter the engineering cycle at Polytech.

PeiP students in the Polytech network have automatic access to the network's student-registered specialties, if their course is validated. To enter an apprenticeship specialization, PeiP students must apply directly to that specialization.

The Polytech competitive entrance exam recruits students on the preparatory track.

Polytech Annecy-Chambéry recruits CPGE students who have completed :

  • Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Earth Sciences - BCPST
  • Mathematics and Physics - MP
  • Mathematics Physics Informatics - MPI
  • Physics Chemistry - PC
  • Physics and Engineering Sciences - PSI
  • Physics and Technology - PT
  • Technology and Industrial Sciences - TSI

How to register

As the BUT diploma is a professional qualification, your specialization at BUT determines which of the school's specializations are open to you.
Recruitment will mainly take place at the end of BUT. Candidates with an excellent ranking in their graduating class may be recruited at the end of BUT2.

Registration for the Polytech network competition

Take a competitive entrance examination and enter the 1st year of the student engineering program in the Polytech network. To do this, you need to submit a single application. Your post-baccalaureate curriculum will determine the validity of your application and the specializations to which you can apply.

Registration for the Polytech network competition

Enter the2nd year of the engineering cycle by sitting a competitive entrance examination. You must submit an application for each specialty you wish to study (3 specialties maximum).

If you are eligible, a one-off interview will be held at the school in the highest-ranked specialization on your wish list.

Registration for the Polytech network competition

Are you a French-speaking student living abroad and interested in enrolling in an engineering program at a Polytech school?

Registration for the Polytech competitive entrance examination

Cycle ingénieur statut apprentice - After a BAC+2 or BAC+3 degree

The academics engineer school/company sandwich program, in partnership with ITII, is based on an apprenticeship contract. This is a work-study contract, generally lasting 3 years. The company and the apprentice engineer, who is an employee of the company, sign the contract. The apprentice engineer can be paid up to 80% of the minimum wage. They have all the rights and duties of a company employee, whether at work or at school (compulsory attendance, vacations, etc.).


  • If you hold a foreign diploma and live in a country covered by the Campus France procedure, register on the Études en France website.
  • There is no parallel procedure
  • Admissions committee date: Friday, March 29, 2024

Fees at a public engineering school

Competition fees

A single competitive entrance exam for one of the 15 engineering schools in the Polytech network:

  • 1st year PeiP preparatory cycle: non-scholarship holders: €60 / scholarship holders: €0
  • 3rd year engineering cycle: non-scholarship holders: €95 / scholarship holders: €0

Polytech Annecy-Chambéry tuition fees

  • Preparatory cycle and engineering cycle: non-scholarship holders: €601 / year - scholarship holders: €0 / year - These rates do not apply to academics continuing education and sandwich courses.
  • Master's cycle: non-scholarship holders: €243 / year - scholarship holders: €0 / year
  • International students: TheUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc Board of Directors has approved a partial exemption from differentiated registration fees for international students, reducing the amount of their registration fees to the same amount as that paid by French students for the duration of their degree course, subject to compliance with course attendance and exam attendance requirements, as well as completion of the compulsory internships stipulated in the syllabus.

Student and Campus Life Contribution - CVEC

Before registering, you must pay the CVEC by logging on to the CVEC website.

For international students, log on to the selectra website, which will guide you through the formalities for international students arriving in France.