Bureau Des Élèves BDE

Le Bureau Des Élèves

The Polytech Annecy-Chambéry BDE association promotes student life at the engineering school. The BDE welcomes new students, organizes festive and fun events within the school and with the Polytech network. Sport, art, sustainable development, social responsibility and technology are just some of the activities offered by the BDE and its clubs.

Sports clubs

  • Polytech Mont Blanc
  • Ski
  • Foot
  • Rugby
  • Handball
  • Volleyball
  • Badminton
  • Basket
  • Rock n roll


  • Robotics
  • Fab'lab and 3D printing
  • Music
  • Mixing
  • Cinema
  • Board games
  • Creative hobbies

Sustainable development and corporate social responsibility

  • Blood donation
  • Pink October
  • Movember
  • Polytech on the road for the telethon
  • Women engineers
  • Vegetable sales with "Légumes et cagettes rebelles" (Rebellious vegetables and crates)
  • The fair K-fête

Among the events

  • Cohesion Weekend
  • Sports weekend
  • Grand Ball
  • Polytech Neige Trophy
  • Graduation ceremony and gala
  • Evenings