Apprenticeship tax

Instructions: how to pay the taxe d'apprentissage to Polytech Annecy-Chambéry?

1- Request your Net-Entreprise access codes

2- From May 27: log on to SOLTéA, the Caisse des Dépots et Consignations' platform for distributing the balance of the taxe d'apprentissage, using your access codes obtained from Net-Entreprise.

3- Choose our school :

  • With our UAI code 0741510P
  • Download our RNCP codes for training courses

4- Break down your contributions by percentage

5- Confirm and save your contributions. Enter your contact details.

6- Remember to inform us by e-mail



Any questions?

Contact Samia Chouder in the Financial Management Department:

4 good reasons to donate your apprenticeship tax to Polytech Annecy-Chambéry

1. You invest in the academics of your future engineers.

2. You benefit from a professional academics

  • Apprenticeships in Mechanics and Construction (3 years)
  • Professionalization contracts (1 year)
  • Interns: our students spend an average of 40 weeks on internships

3. You support a school committed to DDRS

  • Discover our DDRS actions
  • 27% of students receive grants
  • Tailor-made teaching for students with disabilities, top-level athletes and artists
  • Actions to promote the engineering profession among young women

4. You finance innovative equipment

Thanks to you, educational investments are being made in the fields of robotics, imaging, mechatronics, the environment, renewable energies and construction.

Examples of educational investments made thanks to the taxe d'apprentissage

The nanoparticle analyzer is used to illustrate various aspects of air pollution and air treatment processes through 5 series of practical exercises in academics Industrial ecology engineering.

Visit academics Mechanical engineering Mechatronics and composite materialsThe growing number of students and apprentices working in the field of robotics means that more and more robotic control systems are needed. The 2 Robot UR3 robotic arms equipped with grippers complete our robotics range.

Ion chromatography analysis techniques are used in academics Industrial ecology engineering. Students work on natural water samples taken from the Leysse river or Lac du Bourget, and on samples from wastewater treatment plants.

This investment has enabled us to renovate the equipment in a practical room for teaching automatic control with 6 oscilloscopes, 6 signal generators and stabilized power supplies. This equipment is used for Electrical and computer engineering and Mechanical engineering Mechatronics and composite materials.

This equipment is used in the academics engineer Mechanics Mechatronics in practical vibration work. Three laser sensors are needed to measure the vibrations of small systems. In particular, they are used to calibrate the vibration displacement of free-standing beams. These measurements help validate the analytical and numerical approaches studied in class.

The "service robotics" and "robotics and games" themes of problem-based and project-based learning use robots, in particular Pepper, in the academics engineer. Electrical and computer engineering.

At academics engineer Industrial and Territorial EcologyThe experimental bench is used to study reactive systems and bioprocesses. It completes the study of continuous reactors with a residence time distribution approach.

In addition to the study of hyperstatic structures, the continuous beam experimental rig enables us to understand the transfer of loads to neighboring spans, a phenomenon encountered in roof purlins and concrete beams. This equipment is used at academics engineer Sustainable Building Engineering.

As part of practical concrete work, concrete specimens are made to determine compressive strength. The acquisition of a new grinding machine enables the specimens to be adequately surfaced to ensure proper material characterization. This machine is used at academics engineer Sustainable Building Engineering.

A prototyping machine with a CNC milling machine completes the FabLab's equipment. It is used for practical work and the PITON innovation curriculum, for engineering courses in Sustainable Building EngineeringMécanique Mécatronique Matériaux and in the PeiP preparatory cycle.

Ultra-pure water is essential for practical work in environmental chemistry. We use it for solvent mixing, particularly in high-performance liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and for Tocmeter applications. This system is used in academics engineer Sustainable Building Engineering.