Special features

Are you a top sportsman or artist?

Whether in the preparatory cycle (PeiP) or in the engineering cycle, Polytech Annecy-Chambéry enables top-level athletes and artists to follow the academics engineering program, by adapting the timetable and extending the curriculum.
A dialogue with the teaching staff enables a Polytech contract to be drawn up with the student, adapted to periods of training, competition, audition or performance.
For more information, visit theUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc

Partnership with annecy conservatory

Polytech Annecy-Chambéry offers a flexible schedule for music, dance and theater artists at the Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional (CRR). PeiP engineering students at the Annecy site are freed up on Mondays and Wednesdays at 4.45pm, and on Thursday afternoons, to practice music or choreography.
Further information: visit the CRR website


Are you disabled?

Do you have a disability, recognized or not by the Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH), or are you temporarily incapacitated as a result of a life accident? You can benefit from solutions tailored to your needs: assistance, support, adjustments to your studies, exams and schooling.

To find out more about these solutions, contact the director of academics at Polytech Annecy-Chambéry, the engineering school's disability advisor. Following an analysis of your situation, and in collaboration withUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc's Student Health Service, you will discuss and draw up an individual contract for inclusion and adaptation.

Contact Stéphane Marteau, Disability Advisor, to make an appointment to discuss your situation and needs:

  • Contact mail
  • Contact tel: 04 50 09 66 03
  • At Polytech Annecy site: office B116 on the1st floor
  • At Polytech on the Bourget-du-lac site: Office 2D007 on the first floor

There are many different types of disability or temporary incapacity resulting from an accident:

  • language and speech disorders: such as dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, dysphasia, dyscalculia, etc.
  • Disorders associated with disabling illnesses: may be related to HIV, asthma, allergies, rheumatism, cardiovascular disease, infectious or autoimmune disease, visceral disease, rare and/or orphan disease, genetic disease, epilepsy, diabetes, cystic fibrosis, multiple sclerosis, cancer, musculoskeletal disorders, obesity, dwarfism, etc.
  • visual function disorders: such as blindness and visual impairment, amblyopia, achromatopsia, etc.
  • hearing disorders: such as total or partial deafness, at high or low frequencies, which can lead to speech disorders, etc.
  • motor function disorders: such as dyspraxia, scoliosis, paralysis, amputation, cerebral palsy, myopathy, etc.
  • psychological disorders: such as depression, psychoses, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, personality disorders, certain neurotic disorders such as OCD (obsessive-compulsive disorder), hypochondria, etc.
  • cognitive function disorders: dysmnesia, dyscalculia, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity, Down's syndrome, etc.
  • autism spectrum disorder.
  • accident of life.

Would you like to start your own business?

The entrepreneurship program is for you! You'll have access to support and a academics dedicated to your project. The program is offered byUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc, theSavoie Technolac student incubator, and the Pépinière d'entreprises du Grand Annecy.
This scheme enables young entrepreneurs to work, individually or with associates, on a business creation project, as part of their studies or as part of their Student Entrepreneur status.

For six months during the academic year, every week in their free time, students in their 5th year of the academics engineering program work with company representatives on themes such as innovation, creativity, project management, financing, networking, communication, entrepreneurial posture, leadership and sales approach.
At the end of the program, student entrepreneurs pitch their projects to partners and financiers. They also have the opportunity to carry out their end-of-studies project and internship on their business creation project.
Students are selected on the basis of an application and an audition before a panel of judges. A sufficiently high academic level is required to combine studies with the entrepreneurial program. The business creation project is developed in addition to the course program, on personal time.

  • "Acquire the autonomy and skills I need to get started".
  • "Open my network
  • "Enrich my knowledge of the subject. I think this course could be a perfect complement to my current studies.
  • "Acquiring an entrepreneurial mindset
  • "Follow-up, assistance and personalized appointments to help you do business quickly and with peace of mind".

Ecocline by Mélisse Carcassonne - created in 2017

Mélisse Carcassonne is a consultant in circular economy "so that the waste of some becomes the resources of others". More info

OBSESS by Arthur Excoffier and Cyril Jiguet - created in 2016

Winner of Concours Jeune Entrepreneur 2016 - Pépite Ozer Prize Jury's Coup de coeur and Sustainable Development Prize - Winner of Pépite Prize 2016
Design, manufacture and market the 1st wooden ski mask on the planet, and products with their wood'n'flex technology for designers and manufacturers. More info

AFTERSWIM by Gilles Brossault and Nicolas Carré - created in 2014

Enhance the experience of customers leaving aquatic establishments, with innovative products such as Extract'O. More info

Are you tempted by the innovative adventure of team internships?

The PITON scheme offers students the chance to work on a concrete project for a local company, with students from other training courses. Companies such as Salomon, Bosch, Volvo, Patriarche and Bontaz have already proposed projects. As the skills required for each project are different, the recruitment fields are varied: mechanics, materials, mechatronics, IT, marketing, environment, sociology...

Taking part in a PITON internship is an opportunity to develop initiative and autonomy by managing a project from A to Z, to work in a project team and collaborate with people with different areas of expertise, to carry out actions with the aim of achieving concrete results, and to develop skills in creativity, innovation and project management.
PITON internships are part of the compulsory academics engineering program, and are carried out in the same way as any other internship.

PITON is a unique program in France created byUniversité Savoie Mont Blanc and its Foundation.