Open Science

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Pangloss is an open archive of endangered or poorly documented languages.

The Pangloss collection offers free access to audio linguistic documents, specializing in rare or little-studied languages. Its aim is to contribute to the documentation and study of the human heritage represented by the world's languages. The documents that visitors can consult (and download) here are the fruit of the patient work of professional linguists dedicated to collecting, studying and safeguarding the world's linguistic heritage.

At present, the collection includes almost 240 corpora of languages and dialects from 43 countries, deposited by 80 researchers, representing over 1,120 hours of listening. Most of the documents presented contain spontaneous speech, recorded in the field within speaker communities, and transcribed in consultation with these speakers.

Also included are survey sessions and word lists. These documents have been recorded and annotated by researchers from a wide variety of backgrounds, including researchers, teacher-researchers and doctoral students from the LACITO-CNRS laboratory. Around half of the recordings are transcribed and annotated, enabling all listeners to understand what they are hearing.

The collection is managed by a team from LACITO.


To access the archive: https: //