Open Science

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Direct access "
The InDoRES portal provides an inventory of databases and datasets on the environment and society through a standardized, interoperable metadata catalog.


Direct access "
Ortolang is a platform of linguistic tools and resources for optimized processing of the French language.

Direct access " is a centralized platform dedicated to the collaborative creation, management and sharing of research protocols and methods.


Direct access "
Érudit is a digital infrastructure that supports open digital publishing and research in the humanities, social sciences and arts.

EaSy Data

Direct access "
EaSy Data is the national thematic repository for so-called "orphan" or long-tail data from the Environment and Earth System.


Direct access "
AsPredicted is a platform that makes it easy for researchers to pre-register their studies and protocols, and for others to read and evaluate these pre-registrations.


Direct access "
OpenRefine is a free, open source tool for working with messy data: cleaning it up, transforming it from one format to another and extending it with web services and external data.


Direct access "
Enago is an open access journal search tool. Based on the abstract of your article, Enago suggests journal titles from among those listed in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journal).


Direct access "
Octopus is an open access platform where researchers can read, review and publish results at all stages of the scientific process.

OFS (Open Science Framework)

Direct access "
OSF (Open Science Framework) is a free, open, collaborative research platform that organizes all documents relating to a research project and makes them accessible to the community.

Retraction Watch

Direct access "
Retraction Watch is a platform that analyzes retractions of scientific articles and comments on topics related to scientific integrity.


Direct access "
Bio.Tools provides a comprehensive registry of software and databases to help researchers in all fields of biological and biomedical sciences find, understand, use and cite the resources they need in their daily work.


Direct access "
Data Terra is a research infrastructure whose aim is to make available atmospheric, climatic, oceanographic, seismic and space data, in order to understand and predict the history, functioning and evolution of the Earth system in an integrated way.


Direct access "
Dryad is an open-access repository for research data, mainly in the fields of evolutionary biology, genetics and ecology.


Direct access "
DataCite is an international consortium of libraries that aims to facilitate digital archiving and access to digital resources on the Internet, notably by assigning a DOI.

Corpus Corporum

Direct access "
Corpus Corporum is a digital library of medieval Latin. This platform enables you to analyze Latin texts, upload and/or download Latin texts in TEI-xml or .txt format, and carry out complex searches on lemmas and/or on the proximity between several terms.


Direct access "
The aim of the PROGEDO star research infrastructure is to develop a culture of data, and to drive and structure a policy of survey data for social science research.


Direct access "
Heurist is a data management system that lets you design, feed, explore and publish your own databases.

Data Gouv search

Direct access "
Recherche Data Gouv is the federated national platform for research data. This platform offers a multidisciplinary data warehouse and a catalog for reporting data hosted in other warehouses.


Direct access "
Dataverse is an open-source, international, collaborative web application for sharing, preserving, citing, exploring and analyzing research data.


Direct access "
The OPIDoR portal provides a range of tools and services to facilitate the application and management of data.


Direct access "
The Zenodo multidisciplinary warehouse lets you easily share research data, including data associated with publications.


Direct access "
CLARIN is a European infrastructure created in 2012 to share language resources and tools at European level.


Direct access "
Mynkl is a web application that lets you organize the batch deposit of your data on the Nakala tool of the Huma-Num infrastructure.


Direct access "
Isidore is a platform and search engine for searching and accessing digital and digitized research data in the humanities and social sciences.


Direct access "
Huma-Num is a research infrastructure dedicated to the humanities, social sciences and digital humanities.


Direct access "
Endnote is a bibliographic management software for managing references to books and research papers.


Direct access "
Unpaywall is a service that allows you to find open access versions of the articles you are currently consulting.


Direct access "
Dissemin is a free tool that enables researchers to analyze and verify that their publications are freely accessible to their readers.