Do you have any questions about university courses, exams or your year? We'll explain everything!
Schooling services
Schooling services are divided into 2 categories: administrative schooling and pedagogical schooling (or secretariats), linked to your component. Each has a clearly defined role.
Please note: at the start of each new academic year, you must register with the university's administrative school AND with your component's pedagogical school.
Central and campus administrative schools
They handle all the administrative aspects of your university course. They are responsible for issuing your student pass, your certificate of enrolment and your diploma. It's also where you register or re-enroll at the USMB.
They also handle the transfer of your administrative file in the event of a change of institution, and requests for reimbursement of university administrative registration fees.
Central schooling
USMB Presidency in Chambéry
Contact mail / Tel: 04 79 75 91 91 - 04 79 75 84 65
Scolarité Administrative Campus Annecy
IAE Annecy
Contact mail / Tel: 04 50 09 24 03
IUT Annecy
Contact mail / Tel: 04 50 09 22 23 - 04 50 09 22 24
Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
Contact mail / Tel: 04 50 09 66 00
Scolarité Administrative Campus Bourget
Bâtiment 6 - Espace Vie Étudiante
Contact mail / Tel: 04 79 75 81 58
Scolarité Administrative Campus Jacob
Bâtiment 20 - Espace Vie Étudiante
Contact mail / Tel: 04 79 75 91 45
Pedagogical schooling
IAE Savoie Mont Blanc
Contact mail / Tel: 04 50 09 24 00
IUT Annecy
Contact mail / Tel: 04 50 09 22 23 - 04 50 09 22 24
Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
Contact mail / Tel: 04 50 09 66 00
IUT Chambéry
Contact mail / Tel: 04 79 75 81 76
Polytech Annecy-Chambéry
Contact mail / Tel: 04 50 09 66 00
Sciences et Montagne
Building 8C Ground floor
Contact mail / Tel: 04 79 75 87 77
Faculty of Law
Building 3
Contact mail / Tel: 04 79 75 85 34
IAE Savoie Mont Blanc
Building 23
Contact mail / Tel: 04 79 75 84 40
Letters, Languages and Humanities
Bâtiment 2
Tel : 04 79 75 84 79
University calendars
To help you organize your year and make sure you don't miss any key dates, take a look at the university calendars:
Courses and exams
Each academic year is divided into 2 semesters: these are made up of courses calledTeaching Units (UE) or Learning Units (UA) which enable you to validate a certain number of ECTS credits (we'll explain what these are later) and validate your year and then your degree.
UEs and UAs are divided into lectures (CM), in which you cover the theoretical part, and practical work (TP) and tutorials (TD), which enable you to put your knowledge into practice.
For examinations, each course has its own specificities. The MCCC (modalités de contrôle des connaissances et des compétences) are adopted each year in September by the academics and University Life Commission (CFVU). It's important to be familiar with them, as they specify the types of tests on which you will be assessed (continuous assessment, semester exams, etc.).
The ECTS credit (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System) is a bit like a points system that you accumulate to validate your semester and then your degree. Each university semester corresponds to 30 ECTS credits, whether you're studying for a bachelor's or a master's degree. To validate your bachelor's degree, you'll need to validate 180 ECTS credits, which represent 3 years of study.
Please note that the acquisition of these credits is based on a scale specific to each university and not on grades obtained!
But what's the point of ECTS?
Well, it can facilitate both your reorientation (ECTS are transferable from one course to another) and your international mobility. ECTS credits are valid in almost 50 countries, facilitating exchanges between schools and universities in member countries.
Listen to the ECTS episode of "Sauce Bolo", a podcast series produced by Radio Campus France , for a humorous look at how your university studies became European even before you joined the USMB and the UNITA alliance.
These three initials stand for Licence, Master and Doctorat, corresponding respectively to 3, 5 and 8 years of study at university.
The LMD system aims toharmonize higher education qualifications across Europe. Thanks to this system (and the famous ECTS!), you can now study just about anywhere in Europe without having to worry about diploma equivalence!
At USMB, you can find all the courses offered under the LMD system on the university website.