Student and campus life department

Composé de 3 animateurs, 1 chargée de mission culture et égalité, 1 chargée de projet et 1 responsable de service, le Service Vie Étudiante et de Campus (SVEC) vous répond sur l’ensemble de vos interrogations autour de la vie pratique, associative et culturelle à l’USMB.


SVEC missions

asso svec

The Service Vie Étudiante et de Campus (SVEC) (Student and Campus Life Service) helps you develop and carry out your projects, whether they be associative, cultural, artistic, civic or solidarity-based. 

It is thecontact for associations to help you set up and/or develop your association, provide information on administrative procedures and support you in organizing association events. 

From September to May, SVEC invites you to campus events designed just for you! Highlights of the year include the Semaine Étudiante de Réduction des Déchets, the Journée des Associations, the Festival Plus d'Égalité and the Semaine Étudiante de l'Écologie et de la Solidarité.

Special events and activities are also organized every year to help you succeed as a student and improve your quality of life.

These collaborative projects are funded by the CVEC (Contribution de Vie Étudiante et Campus) and help to energize campus life throughout the year.

The SVEC team

beats EVE Jacob

SVEC team members are spread across the university's 3 campuses. A Student and Campus Life coordinator is available on each of the university sites.

Don't hesitate to contact them or drop in for more information on student life!  

Open Monday to Thursday: 8:30am-12pm 1:30pm-4:30pm and Friday: 8:30am-12pm
Send an e-mail to SVEC / Tel : 04 79 75 94 15 

Open Monday to Thursday: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. 1:30 p.m.-4:30 p.m. and Friday: 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. 

Annecy Campus
Teddy Buniazet
Bâtiment 3A - Annexe de la Ferme de Bray
Tel: 04 50 09 24 33 

Campus du Bourget
Sandra Wald
Bâtiment 6 - Espace de Vie Étudiante (bureau 11)
Tel: 04 79 75 94 04 

Jacob Campus
Mathias Mane
Bâtiment 20 - Espace de Vie Étudiante
Tel: 04 79 75 91 35

Relais Vie Étudiante students


At your service on campus, the ERVEs are there to welcome, support and inform you throughout the year. This year, they'll also be meeting you on campus for the "Café des étudiants", a special opportunity to discuss your daily student life. 

Do you have a practical question or an idea for improving the campuses? Send an e-mail to ERVE.


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