Study facilities

At USMB, we're proud of the diversity and talent of our students! That's why the university has put in place a wide range of study facilities to enable you to pursue your studies in the best possible conditions.


special study schemes

Because everyone's life is different, we offer a range of study arrangements to suit your individual profile, so that you can study in the best possible conditions and succeed in your studies.

Your component is there to provide you with information on the appropriate teaching methods to take account of your specific needs (exemption from attendance requirements, staggered courses, nomadic TDs, etc.), and to help you formalize your request.

Who can benefit? High-level athletes or artists, students with disabilities, student entrepreneurs, students with families, employees, students on a double degree course or committed students (elected representatives, reservists, etc.).

With the exception of disabled students and high-level athletes and artists (explained below), you need to fill in the "Request for special study conditions" form , attach supporting documents, and submit it to your educational department. 

Any questions? Contact your school to find out more!

Students with disabilities

The Cellule d'Accueil et d'Accompagnement des étudiants en situation de handicap (C2AESH or Mission handicap) welcomes and supports you throughout your university career, right up to your professional integration, whatever your situation (physical, sensory or psychological disability, dyslexia or a long-term disabling health problem).

It offers you a personal welcome and administrative support, and works closely with the SSE to set up study and examination arrangements to suit your individual profile.

At our university, a student who is unable to participate fully in all aspects of student life (classes, exams or any other university activity) is considered to be disabled.

Whatever your situation, whether your condition has been diagnosed, is in the process of being diagnosed or is only suspected, whether your disability is visible or invisible, whether it is permanent or temporary: you can make an appointment with the doctor at the Student Health Service (SSE) to assess your needs and benefit from the accommodations you require.

Here are a few examples of situations that C2AESH can support:

  • Speech and language disorders (dyslexia, dysgraphia, dysorthographia, dyscalculia, dysphasia, etc.)
  • Psychological disorders (anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorders, schizophrenic disorders, addictive disorders, eating disorders, post-traumatic stress, etc.)
  • Motor disorders (reduced physical endurance, paralysis, dyspraxia, etc.)
  • Autism spectrum disorders (diagnosed, under diagnosis or suspected)
  • Visceral disorders
  • Intellectual and cognitive disorders
  • Visual disorders
  • Hearing problems

1. Preparing your medical file
This file will enable the HSE doctor to assess your situation and work with you to make the necessary adjustments to make your schooling accessible. Don't forget to prepare your consultation and hospitalization reports, X-rays, etc. For students with neurodevelopmental disorders (DYS, ADHD, ASD, etc.), bring along a standardized speech therapy and/or occupational therapy and/or neuropsychology report, or any other document.

2. Make an appointment with an HSE doctor
The doctor assesses and prescribes accommodations based on your needs. Appointments must be made : 

  • Avant le 15 novembre 2024 pour le 1er semestre de l’année universitaire 2024-2025
  • Avant le 21 mars 2025 pour le 2nd semestre de l’année universitaire 2024-2025 

At the end of the consultation, the doctor contacts Mission Handicap to discuss possible accommodations. Depending on needs, the situation can be re-evaluated and accommodations adapted at any time. 

Please note: if the above deadlines are not met, you will not be able to benefit from the accommodations for the current semester.

For exam periods
Anticipation is key. For exam arrangements, 3 weeks' notice is required.

  • Assistance from a note-taker (if you have trouble taking notes in class)
  • Loan of a computer for lessons and/or exams, possibly equipped with special software (e.g. spell-checker).
  • Third-party time for your exams or reorganization of your exam subject

To find out more about accommodations, we invite you to consult the Guide de l'Étudiant en Situation de Handicap.

Any questions? Our disability advisors are available to answer them, so don't hesitate to contact them.

Three disability advisors are on hand to provide information, advice and support.

Contact Mission handicap by e-mail

Campus d’Annecy
Bâtiment 3A – Rez-de-chaussée

  • Les lundis et jeudis de 9h à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 16h
  • Les mardis : uniquement sur rendez-vous
  • Les mercredis : uniquement par téléphone ou mail de 8h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 16h

Contact : 04 79 75 91 56 / 06 64 41 88 30

Campus du Bourget

Bâtiment 8C – Bureau 17

  • Les lundis, jeudis et vendredis de 8h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 17h
  • Les mardis : uniquement sur rendez-vous
  • Les mercredis : uniquement par téléphone ou mail de 8h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 16h

Contact 04 79 75 91 56 / 06 64 41 88 25

Campus de Jacob
Bâtiment 20 – Bureau 200047B

  • Les lundis, mercredis, jeudis et vendredis de 8h30 à 12h30 et de 13h30 à 16h30
  • Les mardis : uniquement sur rendez-vous

Contact : 04 79 75 91 56 / 06 64 41 88 33

Top-level sports students

Perrine Laffont, Clément Noël, Oscar Lombardot, Tess Ledeux, Chloé Trespeuch, Loana Lecomte, Christophe Lemaître and many more. What do all these champions have in common? They have all benefited from the USMB's Sportif de Haut Niveau status! 

Every year, nearly 400 athletes study at our university. 

At USMB, there are 2 ways for you to combine your passion and your studies.

Special sections
The USMB offers special courses at theAnnecy IUT and theChambéry IUT. Thanks to special study arrangements (timetables, academic calendar, etc.), you can prepare for your BUT with complete peace of mind, while continuing to train and take part in competitions.

The support system
Are you a high-level athlete (SHN) and not a student in a special section? The USMB enables you to combine your studies with your sporting career, whatever your chosen academics , thanks to an individualized support system defined by a SHN Student Charter.

To obtain SHN status at the USMB, you must complete the SHN status application form as soon as you register.

Date limite des demandes : vendredi 13 septembre 2024.

High-level student artists

Because there's more to life than sport (even if you love skiing), the USMB has also set up a special program to welcome students who wish to pursue their artistic studies at a conservatory (music, drama, etc.).

Special sections
Just as for athletes, the USMB offers special courses at theAnnecy IUT and theChambéry IUT. Music or applied arts, these special sections are specially designed to balance your studies with your artistic career.

Le dispositif d’accompagnement
Hors section aménagée, vous avez la possibilité de faire une demande d’obtention du statut d’artiste de haut niveau (AHN) pour bénéficier d’un dispositif d’accompagnement et d’aménagements d’études.

Pour effectuer cette demande, merci d’envoyer un mail à en précisant votre filière d’étude et en joignant votre attestation d’appartenance au conservatoire.

Date limite des demandes : vendredi 13 septembre 2024.

Year off

Would you like to take a break from your studies to go abroad, learn a language, try your hand at entrepreneurship, work as a salaried employee or get involved in a volunteer or civic service mission?

Well, it's possible thanks to the gap year!

The "césure" (gap year) allows you to suspend your academics studies for a maximum of one academic year to enrich your career. It is only possible once in each study cycle.

During your gap year, you keep your student status, your place in your academics and your scholarship.

Application for the odd academic year or semester
From May 17, 2023 to August 22, 2023

Special case
Students offered admission after August 16, 2023: applications can be submitted within 7 calendar days of acceptance on the platform.

Calendar year or even semester request
From October 10, 2023 to November 24, 2023

Campus calendar

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