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Ciné Science: "Nothing to Hide

November 30, 2023 / 8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.

€5 à €9

The ciné science "Nothing to Hide proposed by the association Sciences-Actions will take place on November 30, 2023 at 8:30pm at Cinéma Astrée in Chambéry.


The film tackles the question of mass surveillance and its degree of acceptance by the population, summed up by the argument "I've got nothing to hide". The main theme of the documentary is a voluntary spying experiment carried out on Mister X, a young actor living in Berlin. With his consent, metadata from his computer and smartphone are collected for a month using spyware, then analyzed by researchers. This is to illustrate that it is then possible to extract a great deal of personal information from online services, social networks and mobile applications (Google, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc.). This experience is interspersed with contributions from whistle-blowers, hackers and victims of surveillance. The documentary also looks at the recurring excesses of states resorting to mass surveillance, whether in the era of the Stasi, the state police in East Germany (GDR), or today in so-called democratic states. Finally, the documentary presents solutions to help users protect their online data, such as the use of free software, encrypted communications (Signal messaging, PGP) or the anonymous Tor browser.


  • Cyrille Lips: philosophy teacher at Lycée Marlioz d'Aix-les-Bains
  • Florent Autréau: head of the "Cybersecurity and Computer Forensics" program at Grenoble Alpes University



Date :
November 30, 2023
Time :
8:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m.
Price :
€5 à €9
Event categories:
, ,
Site :


Chambéry - Cinéma l'Astrée
7 Boulevard du Théâtre
Chambéry, 73000 France
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