Apply for the competition


Competition terms and conditions

Allocations de recherche (ADR) contractualisées de l'École Doctorale Sciences Ingénierie Environnement (Doctoral School SIE) pour la rentrée universitaire 2024.

For 2024, the contractual allocation atDoctoral School SIE level is 6 allocations (23 at facility level).

To apply, you must:

  • Choose a thesis topic from among those proposed byDoctoral School SIE as part of the competition.
  • Contact the host laboratory and the researchers proposing the subjects in order to build up your application.


To apply, candidates must undertake to be available and have the required qualifications by October 31, 2023.

Submission of applications before May 31, 2024

Each file must include the following information:

  • Thesis topic sheet
  • Information sheet
  • Candidate's detailed CV
  • Candidate's grades, average and ranking: initial course + Master1 + Master2 (or equivalent level), minimum 1st semester results
  • Candidate's cover letter
  • Cover letter from prospective thesis supervisor
  • Letter(s) of support from outside the host laboratory (2 maximum)

Files will be evaluated by the HDR representatives on theDoctoral School SIE board of the 6 Research units, with the exception of files from their own Research unit.

Candidates are auditioned (10-minute presentation + 10-minute question period) by the Board, which is restricted to HDR members.

The selection criteria are as follows:

  • Clarity of the candidate's presentation to a multidisciplinary audience,
  • Motivation for thesis, subject and laboratory(s),
  • Knowledge of the subject and its context,
  • Knowledge of thesis progress and prospects,
  • Quality of answers to questions.

Candidates should also send a PDF copy of their slideshow toDoctoral School .

A letter will be sent to candidates informing them of the outcome of their application after validation by the Research Commission on July 04.