The Sciences, Engineering, Environment Doctoral School (Doctoral School SIE) is governed by a deliberative structure, theDoctoral School Council, and run by an Executive Committee. The Doctoral School also has working groups (academics, Communication, International, Alumni follow-up...).
Doctoral School Office SIE
The office ofDoctoral School SIE is made up of the director ofDoctoral School, two HDR members and one doctoral student from among the doctoral student members elected to theDoctoral School Council.
The two HDR members are :
Frédérique Hintzy
Flavien Vernier
The doctoral student representative is :
Théo Mazure
Doctoral School Council SIE
The SIE Doctoral School Council is made up of twenty members distributed according to the balances defined byarticle 9 of the Order of May 25, 2016. The Director convenes and chairs Board meetings.
Board composition
Seven HDR members representing each of the Research units affiliated to theDoctoral School EIS.
Three representatives of BIATSS staff (engineers, administrative or technical staff).
The USMB Vice-President for Research (or his/her representative).
Four doctoral student representatives elected for a two-year term.
Four external members chosen from among qualified personalities.
The composition of the SIE Doctoral School Council ensures a balanced representation of men and women.
Doctoral student representatives
Doctoral students are stakeholders in their professional environment: their representation and participation in decision-making is ensured by doctoral student representatives.
Representatives take part in council meetings to ensure a wealth of opinions and make decisions that benefit the whole of the SIE Doctoral School, in particular by taking into account the rights and interests of doctoral students.
Representative missions
Improving practices, especially those specific to doctorates
Circulate information: doctoral students need to be represented on the boards in which they participate.
Participate in working groups (academics, communication, international, alumni follow-up...)
Main topics covered
Scientific orientations
Working conditions
How it works
Research unit and school projects
Search management
Disseminating scientific culture
academics and mobility during or after the doctorate.