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Registration prerequisites

To register for a doctorate, you must hold a French research Master's degree (as of October 1 of the year of the competition) or an equivalent diploma.

Prerequisites for registration

  • Have a thesis topic
  • Have a thesis supervisor
  • Have the agreement of the Sciences Ingénierie Environnement Doctoral School (Doctoral School SIE), in accordance with article 11 of the May 25, 2016 decree.

Art.11 decree May 25, 2016 ' at the time of the annual doctoral registration, the director of the doctoral school verifies that the scientific, material and financial conditions are assured to guarantee the proper progress of the doctoral student's research work and preparation of the thesis.'


First-year enrolment

Registrations are open from July to December 2.

Registration is divided into 2 main phases: pedagogical registration (from July) and administrative registration (from September).

Pedagogical and administrative registration

Login to your personal account on theADUM website

Complete the tabs carefully and in detail with the help of the writing guide and your thesis supervisor if necessary, including the "Documents to be attached" tab (supporting documents to be uploaded in 1 single PDF file)
- Copies of transcripts and Master's grades
- Candidate's letter of motivation
- Curriculum Vitae
- Proof of funding (excluding USMB doctoral research grant recipients)
- Anti-plagiarism pledge (downloadable from ADUM)
- Individual agreement academics (downloadable from ADUM)

Après réception d’une notification favorable du Collège doctoral de l’USMB, un mail vous sera adressé avec la procédure pour finaliser votre inscription administrative auprès de votre scolarité de site à compter du 1er Septembre.
Les droits d’inscription pour la préparation des diplômes nationaux de doctorat sont de 391€. Vous devez également payer une cotisation vie étudiante et de campus (CVEC) d’un montant de 103€.



Re-registration is subject to the minutes of your Individual Doctoral Student Follow-up Committee (CSI).

It is divided into two main stages: pedagogical registration and administrative registration.

Educational and administrative re-registration

Re-registration is a 4-step process:

Login to your personal account on theADUM website

Update and/or complete the various tabs carefully and in detail
If any sections are not filled in, or are too brief, the Doctoral School Director will not validate the application.
Remember to fill in the description of your thesis progress.
Any modification, addition or deletion concerning your supervision must be justified by your thesis director in the "thesis director's comments" section.

Check that your signed CSI report has been uploaded to ADUM, which is essential for processing your re-enrolment file.

NB : inscription en 4ème année ou plus, à faire impérativement avant le 01/10/2024, votre dossier sera examiné en conseil de l’ED en octobre avant validation:

  • a waiver request, in which the doctoral student and thesis supervisor must justify exceeding the normal thesis duration.
  • in the case of joint supervision, an amendment to the contract must be drawn up.

Après réception d’une notification favorable du Collège doctoral de l’USMB, un mail vous sera adressé avec la procédure pour finaliser votre inscription administrative auprès de votre scolarité de site à compter du 1er Septembre.
Les droits d’inscription pour la préparation des diplômes nationaux de doctorat sont de 391€. Vous devez également payer une cotisation vie étudiante et de campus (CVEC) d’un montant de 103€.

Case of defenses taking place before the end of the current year

Doctoral students due to defend their thesis before December 31 of the current year do not need to re-register: they are covered by their registration for the current academic year.

Failure to re-register a doctoral student is tantamount to discontinuing the thesis.