ADUM: Accès Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé (Unique and Shared Doctoral Access)
AEF: Education Agency academics
AGISEFE: Association pour la Gestion de l'Institut Savoisien d'Études du Français pour Étrangers (Association for the Management of the Savoy Institute for French Studies for Foreigners)
AJAC: Adjourned but Authorized to Continue
AMUE: Agence de Mutualisation des Universités et Établissements (Agency for the Mutualisation of Universities and Establishments)
ANR: French National Research Agency
It is a funding agency for research projects. Its aim is to increase the number of research projects from the entire scientific community, funded through competitive bidding and peer review.
AOG: Grenoble PRES Open Archives
APS: Assemblée des Pays de Savoie
ARDI: Regional Development and Innovation Agency
ARE: Allocation d'Aide de Retour à l'Emploi (Back to Work Allowance)
ATER: Attaché Temporaire d'Enseignement et de Recherche (Temporary teaching and research associate)
BIATSS: Librarians, Engineers, Administrative, Technical, Social and Health personnel
CARRTEL: Centre Alpin de Recherche sur les Réseaux Trophiques des Écosystèmes Limniques (Alpine Center for Research on the Trophic Networks of Limnic Ecosystems)
CEA: Commissariat à l'énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energies Commission)
CERN: European Organization for Nuclear Research
CESER: Economic, Social and Environmental Council of the Rhône-Alpes Region
CEVU: Conseil des Études et de la Vie Universitaire (Council for Studies and University Life)
CIFRE: Convention Industrielle de academics by Research
CNRS: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (French National Center for Scientific Research)
CNU: Conseil National des Universités
CODRI: Commission d'Orientation de la Direction des Relations Internationales (International Relations Department Steering Committee)
CODUSBM: Doctoral College of the Université Savoie Mont Blanc
CPU: Conference of University Presidents
CRDAF: Antoine Favre Research Center
CRITT: Regional Center for Innovation and Technology Transfer
CS: Scientific Council
CST (Doctoral School) : Doctoral School Culture, Societies, Territories
CSI: Comité de suivi Individuel du doctorant (Individual doctoral student monitoring committee)
CSTI: Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture
CT: Technical Committee
DAP: Direction d'Aide au Pilotage (Steering Assistance Department)
DIR THESE: Thesis director
DCE : Doctorant Contractuel Enseignant
DEVE: Department of Studies and Student Life
DGA: Executive Vice President
DDRV: Direction du Développement de la Recherche et de la Valorisation (Research and Development Department)
DRI: Research and Innovation Diploma
DRI: International Relations Department
EDYTEM: Environnements Dynamiques et Territoires de la Montagne (Dynamic environments and mountain territories)
FSDIE: Fonds de Solidarité et de Développement des Initiatives Étudiantes (Student Initiatives Development and Solidarity Fund)
HCERES: Haut Conseil de l'évaluation de la recherche et de l'enseignement supérieur (High Council for the Evaluation of Research and Higher Education)
HDR: Habilitation to direct research
JRD: Journée de rentrée des Doctorants (Doctoral Students' Day)
JPO: Open Day
LLSH: Letters, Languages and Humanities
LEPMI:Laboratory of Electrochemistry and Physicochemistry of Materials and Interfaces
LIBM: Inter-University Laboratory of Motor Biology
LISTIC: Computer Science, Systems, Information and Knowledge Processing Laboratory
LLESTI: Language, Literature, Society, Cross-border and International Studies Laboratory
LOCIE: LabOratoire proCédés energIe bâtimEnt
MCF: Senior Lecturer
MESR: Ministry of Higher Education and Research
PACTE: Pathways to Careers in the Territorial Civil Service, the Hospital Civil Service and the State Civil Service
PAST: Associate Professor or Lecturer
PEC: Portfolio of Experiences and Skills
PEIP: Polytech Engineering School Pathways
PES: Prime d'Excellence Scientifique (Scientific Excellence Bonus)
PR: University Professor
PRAG: Professeur Agrégé
PRES: Pôle de Recherche et d'Enseignement Supérieur (Research and Higher Education Cluster)
SIE (Doctoral School) : Doctoral School Science Engineering Environment
SVEC: Student and Campus Life Service
SYMME: Systems and Materials for Mechatronics Laboratory
USMB: Savoie Mont Blanc University
UFR: Unité de academics et de recherche
UMR: Unité Mixte de Recherche
UNIT: Digital Engineering and Technology University
UR: Research unit
VPCA: Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors
VPCD: Vice President Communication and Development
VPFVU: Vice President academics and University Life
VPR: Vice President Research
VP Student : Student Vice President
VPEN: Vice President Digital Education
VP INTER-E: Inter-establishment assessor vice-president
VPOIP: Assessor Vice-President for Career Guidance and Integration
VPPAS: Vice President Personnel and Social Action
VPPDD: Vice President, Heritage and Sustainable Development
VPRE: Assessor Vice-President Corporate Relations
VPSI: Vice President Information Systems