Mobility assistance


The Doctoral College's Aide à la Mobilité Internationale (AMI) calls for projects are designed to encourage the mobility of USMB doctoral students in different scientific and cultural areas, and to develop scientific cooperation between French and foreign research teams.

Each year, the doctoral college provides its doctoral students with an annual budget for international mobility via the autumn AMI call (application by November 30) and, depending on budgetary capacities, via another spring AMI call (application by April 30).

Only ERASMUS+ grants for European mobility are paid directly to doctoral students, in accordance with the procedures set out on the DRI website.

The Collège Doctoral's international mobility grant is paid to laboratories for the mobility of doctoral students (accommodation and travel expenses). It is independent of any other form of funding that may be granted to doctoral students(ministerial research grant, RA region grant, CSMB grant, foreign government grant, etc.).

The amount of support provided by the Collège Doctoral will take into account the duration of the mobility and the distance from the host location.


The SIE doctoral school's calls for projects to the Thematic Schools aim to :

  • Encouraging the emergence of new research themes
  • Accelerate the dissemination of conceptual advances, methodologies and techniques
  • Developing research networks
  • Developing interdisciplinarity

The amount of the grant is decided on the basis of budgetary capacity at the time the call for projects is created; you will be informed by e-mail when the call for projects is launched (normally at the end of February each year). It is independent of any other form of funding that may be granted to doctoral students.


You can take part in an intra-European mobility program as part of the Erasmus+ program, working for an organization or company in a country participating in the Erasmus+ program.

Within this framework, there are 3 types of mobility: STAGE MOBILITY and if you are a USMB contract doctoral student, you are considered a staff member of the establishment, so you can apply for STA and/or academics STT teaching mobility (valid for a summer school).

Calls for applications vary according to the type of mobility:

  • STAGE, open applications as they come in, via this link, for more information contact
  • STA and STT, three application campaigns for all foreign establishments and application throughout the year 2 months in advance for mobilities to establishments in the UNITA alliance, for more information contact

For further information, please visit theuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc page dedicated to doctoral student mobility.


On the Opport'UNITA page, you'll find a variety of softer mobility opportunities. You can get involved in a BIP program, for an enriching experience, or opt for international distance courses, opening up a range of options for you to seize these opportunities according to your personal preferences and needs. Please visit the OPPORT'UNITA page .