Members who hold a doctorate but are not habilitated may apply to the Sciences, Engineering, Environment Doctoral School for ad hoc approval for supervising a thesis , under the conditions set out in article 16-2 of the Order of May 25, 2016:
The duties of thesis director or co-director can be carried out :
1° Professors and equivalent staff within the meaning of article 6 of decree no. 92-70 on the National Council of Universities and article 5 of decree no. 87-31 for health disciplines, or by teachers of equivalent rank who do not come under the Ministry of Higher Education, or by staff of higher education establishments, public research organizations and research foundations, who hold a habilitation to direct research;
2° By other personalities who hold a doctorate, chosen for their scientific competence by the head of the institution, on the recommendation of the director of the doctoral school and after consultation with the research commission of the academic council or the equivalent body in the enrolling institution.
The procedure for applying for approval differs according to the type of management and the Research unit to which you belong.
Approval procedure for members of Research units USMB
1. Standard approval procedure for 100% thesis supervision without HDR or co-supervision without HDR (50%) with a non-HDR co-supervisor (50%)
The request should be sent to:
The file must include :
- The USMB form with the opinion of the management of theResearch unit
- Documents required byDoctoral School SIE (see form)
- Passage through HDR commission and thenDoctoral School SIE management
- Transmission of all files to the Research Commission
- Opinion of the CR
- Notification byDoctoral School (e-mail or standard letter) to the person concerned and to laboratory management.
2. Simplified approval procedure for a co-director without HDR (50%) with an HDR co-director (50%)
Members of the USMB's Research units and holders of a doctorate, benefit from a simplified simplified procedure.
For theDoctoral School SIE, candidates for thesis co-direction without HDR must follow the following steps:
- Letter from the Unit Director detailing his or her opinion, to be attached to the doctoral student's first-year registration application(to be uploaded to ADUM when registering).
- Opinion of theDoctoral School SIE department
- Authorization from the head of the establishment (evidenced by the authorization to register for a thesis with the proposed co-directorships)
- Communication to the Research Commission of personnel benefiting from this authorization
Approval procedure for external members Research units USMB
Standard approval procedure for a 100% thesis supervisor with or without HDR or a co-supervisor with or without HDR (50%) with a co-supervisor with or without HDR (50%)
A request for approval is compulsory for all non-institutional staff (with no administrative link to the USMB), whether or not they hold an HDR for direction or co-direction.
1st thesis directed or co-directed
2nd thesis directed or co-directed
3rd thesis directed or co-directed
Case n°1
One non-HDR + one HDR
- Simplified approval procedure
- Follow a academics to thesis management during the thesis
- Simplified approval procedure
- May overlap with 1st co-direction
- Simplified approval procedure
- May overlap with 2nd co-direction
Preparing for HDR (150% achieved)
Case n°2
Non-HDR alone
- Have already co-supervised (with an HDR) a thesis with an accepted A-rank publication
- Cannot overlap with 1st co-direction
- Take a academics course on thesis supervision during your thesis.
Not possible (because 150% reached)
Pass HDR
Case n°3
Two non-HDR
- Have co-supervised one thesis each (with an HDR), with one accepted rank-A publication per thesis
- Registration for the validated HDR of one of the 2 co-directors (with planned defense date).
- Follow a academics to thesis management during the thesis
- Only one application may be submitted for 2 non-HDR USMB colleagues applying to co-supervise the same thesis.
- Have co-supervised one thesis each (with an HDR), with one accepted rank-A publication per thesis
- Registration for the validated HDR of one of the 2 co-directors (with planned defense date).
- Follow a academics to thesis management during the thesis
Preparing for HDR (150% achieved)