Preparing your project

Doctoral student portfolio

During your thesis years, you will acquire scientific skills related to your field of expertise, as well as more general, cross-disciplinary skills, which are increasingly recognized and valued by employers, whatever your sector of activity and career choice.

The Order of May 25, 2016 on the doctorate introduced the notion of the doctoral student's portfolio:

Art. 15. Order of May 27, 2016

A doctoral student portfolio is created, containing an individualized list of all the doctoral student's activities during his or her academics, including teaching, dissemination of scientific culture and technology transfer, and highlighting the skills developed during the doctoral studies. It is regularly updated by the doctoral student.

The aim of the doctoral student's portfolio

Enhancing the value of the skills acquired during the academics doctoral program.

The role of the USMB doctoral school academics

The École doctorale Sciences Ingénierie Environnement's approach is based on a spirit of support for doctoral students, giving them considerable freedom to define their individualized portfolio.

The Collège Doctoral de l'université Savoie Mont Blanc offers training courses to help you create your portfolio:

  • Identifying your skills
  • Showcasing your skills
  • Building your post-thesis career plan

You can also consult the website. Designed by the Association Bernard Grégory, the CPU and the MEDEF, this free platform lets you create a profile to access useful information on the doctorate profession.


Doctoral student associations

They are essential to ensuring that the voice of doctoral students and doctors is heard by major universities and, more generally, by all institutions in charge of academics doctoral studies, by governments and by the general public.

Their role is also to create social links and bring the doctoral community to life.

Here is a non-exhaustive list of national and international doctoral student associations.

Founded in 1980, the Association Bernard Gregory (ABG): - fosters closer ties between the worlds of business and academia, - facilitates the professional mobility of PhDs, - assists companies in recruiting PhDs, - supports higher education establishments. ABG in figures: 17,000 registered recruiters, 24,000 doctoral students / PhDs / Masters registered, 305,000 clicks per day on average, 4,400 unique visitors per day on average.

The Association Nationale des Docteurs, founded in 1970 and recognized as a public utility since 1975, has three main missions.

  • Promoting doctorates: highlighting the added value of professional doctoral experience to reveal the skills of doctors (putting the talents of doctors at the service of society).
  • Contribute to the decompartmentalization of professional spheres by positioning PhDs as "border crossers", taking advantage of the expertise and know-how of PhDs to meet the challenges of tomorrow's world).
  • Create and synergize doctoral networks 
  • Increase the collective visibility of PhDs, enable them to develop their professional network, and encourage interaction between network creators.

The CJC (Confédération des Jeunes Chercheurs) brings together some forty national associations of doctoral students and doctors, who are involved on a voluntary basis in the recognition of the doctorate as professional experience. At national level, the Confederation's expertise in doctoral studies makes it a privileged interlocutor with public authorities, and it is represented on the CNESER (Conseil National de l'Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche - National Council for Higher Education and Research). At European level, it participates in discussions on doctorates and young researchers through the EURODOC association, of which it is a founding member.

Eurodoc represents over a million doctoral students and young researchers in all the countries of the Council of Europe.

Eurodoc's objectives are:

  • To represent doctoral students and young researchers at European level in matters of education, research and professional career development.
  • Improve the quality of doctoral programs and the standards governing research activity in Europe.
  • Promote the circulation of information on issues concerning young researchers; organize events, take part in debates and contribute to the development of policies on higher education and research in Europe.
  • To establish and promote cooperation between national associations representing doctoral students and young researchers within Europe.

PhDTalent is an association founded by volunteer doctoral students and young PhDs interested in entrepreneurship and innovation, applied research and the transfer of concepts and ideas. The association actively collaborates with other doctoral student associations, universities, laboratories and research institutes to organize an annual international forum for PhDs and doctoral students from the Ile-de-France region, enabling them to meet over 50 companies that have come specifically to recruit PhDs.