Financing your thesis

In order to enroll in a adequate funding that meets the scientific, material and financial scientific, material and financial requirements.

There are There are several European funding sources, such as :

¾ The program Horizon-europe program Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions ;

¾ The scholarship "Eiffel ;

¾ The cooperation grants INTERREG ;

¾ The scholarships UNITA .

Several national funding is also available:

¾ The doctoral contracts funded by universities or the MESRI MESRI ;

¾ The funds ANR / PIA (Future investment program) by responding to our doctoral doctoral schools available in ADUM ;

¾ The doctoral grants from the AURA region ;

¾ The industrial agreements CIFRE ;

¾ The theses COFRA;

¾ The grants from public research organizations such as CNRS, ADEME, ONERA, INRAE ;

¾ Scholarships from the French government for foreign students.


The may also find other sources of funding in their home countries, such as home country, such as Conacyt scholarships, Procope or University Franco-Italian .

Visit further information, applicants can refer to CampusBourses, Doctoral doctoral and, in the case of foreign candidates, to the research site in their country of origin. country.


This page lists the most common types of financing the most common types of financing: however, other types of financing for your project.