The SIE school


AtUniversité Savoie Mont blanc we encourage our doctoral students to go abroad to use equipment useful to your research or to spend time at a foreign university. We're sure you'll come across an international mobility opportunity that matches your profile.

While the most successful form of internationalization is the co-supervision of a thesis, other doctoral mobility opportunities exist, such as co-directorships, research stays, attendance at international conferences or participation in thematic schools.

They also enable you to forge links with other research teams and open up opportunities for cooperation in your future career.

Missions of the SIE Doctoral School

In accordance with the decree of May 25, 2016, which sets the national framework for the academics and the procedures leading to the award of the national doctoral diploma, the "Sciences, Engineering, Environment" Doctoral School (Doctoral School SIE ) organizes the academics of PhDs and prepares them for their professional integration.

The SIE Doctoral School is responsible for :

  • Recruiting doctoral students
  • Allocate the financing entrusted to them
  • Manage the registration and re-registration of doctoral students within the establishment
  • Follow-up on doctoral students, in support of the thesis director
  • Guaranteeing the quality of teaching
  • Manage the awarding of USMB HDRs, in particular through registration authorization procedures
  • Define and organize the academics offer, in line with quality standards

As the SIE Doctoral School is multidisciplinary, it also plays a unifying role at the disciplinary level.



Doctorate specialties

Enrolment in the SIE Doctoral School enables students to prepare a doctorate in one of the thirteen specialties presented in this section.

The list of specialties reflects the disciplinary spectrum covered by the doctoral programs that make upDoctoral School SIE.

  • Archaeomaterials 
  • Biodiversity, ecology, environment
  • Motor Biology 
  • Chemistry 
  • Energy and Process Engineering 
  • Civil Engineering and Building Sciences 
  • Information and Communication Sciences 
  • Geography 
  • Soil science 
  • Engineering Sciences 
  • Earth, Universe and Environmental Sciences 
  • STIC Computer science 
  • ICST Information Processing 

Directory of doctoral students

In this directory you'll find contacts for all doctoral students in your SIE school (directory hosted by ADUM, only those who have agreed to be listed are present).