It concerns doctoral students from higher education establishments in EU member states, extended to other EFTA states (Switzerland, Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein).
The European doctorate is a label awarded in the form of an attestation in addition to the doctorate when the following conditions are met:
- The doctorate must have been prepared in part during a stay of at least one trimester in another European country.
- Authorization to defend a thesis is granted on the basis of reports written by at least two professors or equivalent from higher education establishments in two European countries, other than the country in which the thesis is to be defended (not including the referent from the host laboratory),
- At least one member of the jury must belong to a Higher Education Institution in one of the two European countries, other than that of the country in which the oral defense takes place,
- Part of the defense must be given in a European national language other than French.
Candidates wishing to obtain the European label must notify their Doctoral School via ADUM before the thesis defense procedure.
This "European Doctorate" label does not appear on the doctoral diploma, but is the subject of a certificate issued by the university and signed by its President.
Implementing the European label
Candidates wishing to obtain the European label must inform their Doctoral School before the thesis defense procedure. After consultation with the director of the Doctoral School and the director of the USMB Doctoral College, the European label may or may not be granted.
The application form must be generated from ADUM .
This "European Doctorate" label does not appear on the doctoral diploma, but is the subject of a certificate issued by the university and signed by its President.