Thematic schools

The Sciences Ingénierie Environnement (SIE) Doctoral School offers support campaigns for thematic schools - national or international - in many disciplinary fields.

These are mainly summer schools, but also winter schools.

Thematic schools are often organized within laboratories, enabling researchers to share the fruits of their labor with future and young researchers.

the advantages 

  • Benefit from top-notch teaching byuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc professors and researchers, as well as internationally renowned guest lecturers.
  • Deepen your knowledge and skills in your field
  • Multiply meetings and exchanges around specific study issues
  • Develop your professional network

For whom?

These thematic schools are open to a wide range of students, both fromuniversité Savoie Mont Blanc and from other French and international universities.


Summer school on aquatic ecosystems

July 7 to 14

Trois Rivières and alluvial plain of Lake St Pierre (St Lawrence River)

How to apply: CV and covering letter to before 15/02/2024

Organization subject to sufficient funds being raised to finance the students' travel and accommodation.

5th edition of the Ecole Inter-universitaire en Ecologie Aquatique organized by the USMB and the Université de Québec à Trois Rivières (UQTR). This edition will take place in Trois Rivières and in the province of Quebec in early July 2024 (provisional dates from July 7 to 14).

This intensive one-week academics program focuses on current environmental issues related to the St. Lawrence River. It brings together French and Canadian students who will be supervised by university and government researchers, as well as stakeholders from local and regional organizations involved in environmental monitoring of the St. Lawrence River. The school will integrate lectures and critical discussions, field visits and sampling, presentations by students and researchers, and interactive workshops on ecological data analysis.

It will introduce students to cutting-edge approaches used in aquatic ecosystem research, and will also aim to integrate the knowledge of graduate students into the course through mini-workshop exchanges.

Link to the 1st and 2nd edition of the summer school :

1st edition

2nd edition



Sun-2C Scientific School - Solar energy for buildings: from components to cities

November 20 to 24, 2023 / Le Bourget-du-Lac / Yenne / France

CNRS accredited thematic school

Plenary sessions, workshops, visits to experimental facilities at INES. Aimed at junior and senior researchers as well as practitioners.

You can find out more about the scientific program on the Scientific School Sun-2C page.

Registration :

European doctoral and masters students eligible for an ERASMUS scholarship / 3 ECTS credits

The fee covers 4 days, Monday to Friday, as well as meals and transport from Le Bourget-du-Lac to Yenne.

For more information on future editions: