Job opportunities

main markets

Below you'll find a few details on the main job opportunities, but these remain possible options, among many others...


The work carried out during the preparation of a thesis constitutes a first professional experience within a research center or laboratory. It is possible to deepen and validate your research through post-doctoral studies.

A postdoctoral position is therefore a fixed-term job that enables a young doctor to carry out research that differs from that of his or her thesis, expand his or her publications and diversify his or her CV with a view to recruitment by a university, institute or company.

Universities and research centers (both public and private) offer postdoctoral positions and publish their vacancies on their websites.

Postdoctoral work abroad is an added bonus, and an excellent way of discovering a new culture and even a new research theme. It's a widespread experience internationally.

Temporary teaching and research assistants (A.T.E.R.) are governed by Decree no. 88-654 of May 7, 1988 on the recruitment of temporary teaching and research assistants in public higher education establishments.

Being an ATER enables you to prepare a thesis or take competitive entrance exams in higher education while teaching as a contract employee.

ATER positions are advertised each year by institution. It is therefore necessary to contact each establishment to consult the list of available positions.

The Galaxie portal for higher education staff offers a list of open ATER positions.

Research professors - lecturers and university professors - have the dual mission of ensuring the development of fundamental and applied research, and passing on the resulting knowledge to students.

Lecturers are tenured civil servants appointed to public higher education and research establishments, including engineering schools.

The Galaxie portal offers a list of open teaching and research positions.


Different types of jobs are offered at CNRS each year by competitive examination (research officer, research engineer, etc.).

The main missions of the researcher are :

  • Scientific production: articles in "primary" journals, books, reports ;
  • Promotion of results: patents, participation in conferences ;
  • Dissemination of scientific information: popular science articles, public communications (conferences, broadcasts);
  • academics through research: supervision of students (PhD students, interns, etc.).


CNRS permanent researchers are civil servants. As such, they are recruited by competitive examination. These competitions are open each year in all scientific fields. They are divided into scientific disciplines or groups of disciplines, i.e. by section or interdisciplinary commission of the Comité national de la recherche scientifique.

Learn more: Becoming a researcher, engineer or technician at CNRS | Careers at CNRS

Recruitment opportunities

INRAe (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique) is strengthening its research teams to fulfill its various missions and contribute to scientific excellence in agriculture, food and the environment. Whatever their discipline academics, our researchers work in the laboratory or in the field. Involved in scientific networks, they respond to environmental, economic and social issues. By striving for excellence, they discover and develop concrete applications useful to society. Personal research and collective projects are closely interwoven to advance knowledge and participate in the development of innovation, whether it's a question of sustainable production, preserving the environment or improving human nutrition.

To find out more, click here: INRAe recruits by competitive examination


The doctorate is both a academics to research, and a academics through research. As an internationally-recognized first major professional experience, the doctorate should be valued as such when a young doctor is looking for a job.

This recognition at the highest level means that the doctoral student does more than just carry out research work: he or she is first and foremost a "project manager". Among the skills they develop during their doctorate are :

  • Scientific and technical expertise specific to a particular field,
  • The ability to manage complex issues, to tackle the unknown and to innovate,
  • Project management and teamwork,
  • The ability to challenge oneself, rigor, autonomy and perseverance,
  • Written and oral communication,
  • The ability to develop and maintain a network

This academics enables the development of a wide range of transferable, useful and appreciated skills. A doctorate is therefore an asset for many jobs in the private sector. Many companies welcome specialized PhDs into their research and development departments.

There are many other public bodies with research missions that can offer opportunities:

  • Public scientific and technological establishments EPST (IFREMER, INSERM, IRD, BRGM, INRIA, INED, etc.)
  • EPIC industrial and commercial public establishments (CEA, ANDRA, ONF, etc.).


There are a number of services available to help you define and implement your career plans. In this section, you'll find a non-exhaustive list of these structures. Don't hesitate to contact them.

ADUM regularly updates its website with job offers for PhDs.

APEC offers young graduates a personalized, free job search assistance program. APEC's support staff are fully aware of the particularities of a doctor's profile, and will be able to give you precise advice.

The ABG' s mission is to facilitate the academics, and employment of young scientists in laboratories, public institutions and companies, in France and abroad. It also promotes and supports the development of scientific culture.

Adoc Talent Management specializes in consulting and recruiting PhDs. Consult job offers and a study on the professional integration of PhDs.

Founded on the European Research Area in 2004, the EURAXESS initiative brings together the European Commission and 35 countries. Its aim is to promote the careers of researchers by providing information on research careers throughout Europe. If you're looking for a post-doctorate or a job as a researcher, go to our "vacancies" section.