ADUM Tutorials

On this page you'll find ADUM tutorials for doctoral students to help them get to grips with the tool.

Introducing ADUM (Accès Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé)

Accès Doctorat Unique et Mutualisé is an internal information, services and communication portal for doctoral students and doctors. The portal is shared by all doctoral schools, and adapts to their needs. The network is used by over 100,000 doctoral students, 157 doctoral schools and 79 institutions.

ADUM was originally (1999) the brainchild of a group of young doctoral students in Montpellier who wanted to create a directory of doctoral students. Its initial aim was to create a network of doctoral students from the same doctoral school, as a gateway to employment. The aim was also to promote the research community as a whole, and give greater visibility to the skills profiles of graduates. Today, ADUM is a management and communication tool, a collaborative tool and an online community.

Below you'll find all the services offered by ADUM to doctoral students, doctoral schools and companies.

For doctoral students:


All the stages and the environment of the doctorate are carried out via this platform:

  • Doctoral registration and re-registration
  • Access to SIE doctoral school documents and procedures
  • View training courses
  • Training registrations 
  • Storage of descriptive data from your thesis and monitoring of your research work
  • Organizing your thesis defense
  • Participation in the doctoral student network,
  • Putting your skills profile online
  • Managing your presence in directories
  • Access to online information: job offers, defense announcements, doctoral student network
  • Publish your research work on
  • Online distribution of your thesis on dedicated platforms
  • etc...

For companies

ADUM not only enables companies to post job vacancies, but also, thanks to the "search" function, to find and directly contact doctors with the skills profile they need. They can be sure that all the profiles in the database are actually PhD graduates or PhD students in the process of completing their thesis.