BOOST Workshop "How to make the right decision". 

Distanciel - Zoom

Left or right? Trust your intuition or your reasoning? Our daily lives are full of questions. Some are decided in a matter of seconds, while others plunge us into [...].

BOOST Workshop "Revise with efficiency

Distanciel - Zoom

The midterms are approaching and you're not quite ready? The Pôle Réussite of SUIO-IP (Service Universitaire d'Information d'Orientation et d'Insertion Professionnelle) offers you the BOOST workshop "Reviser avec efficacité", [...].

Wellness Workshop - Yoga - Distanciel

Distanciel - Zoom

USMB's Student Health Service (SSE) and Sports Service (SDS) offer you a range of activities to help you stay zen throughout the year, including Well-Being workshops. Yoga, sophrology, animal mediation, gentle muscle strengthening and even [...]