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Cafés Relais - Information, discussions and coffee among students - Campus Jacob

September 27, 2023 / 12 h 15 min - 13 h 15 min

Coffee or tea during your lunch break? Questions about student life? Any ideas for revitalizing our campuses? Come and share a chill moment over a hot drink with our Étudiants Relais! I've even heard there'll be music, games and snacks to nibble on...

We look forward to seeing you every Wednesday from 12.15pm to 1.15pm at the Espace Vie Étudiante (building 20) to discuss the latest campus news, upcoming events, essential information not to be missed, etc.

Les Étudiants Relais

As true ambassadors for the university, the Relay Students (RS) provide information and support throughout the year on topics such as health, student life, sports, culture and international affairs. Each ER group also proposes actions or events related to its theme. The Student Liaison Officers are there to listen to you and, if necessary, direct you to the right people at the university.

Contact: Student and Campus Life Department (SVEC)


Date :
September 27, 2023
Time :
12 h 15 min - 13 h 15 min
Série :
Event categories:




Jacob-Bellecombette Campus - Building 20 - EVE
Rue Jean Baptiste Richard
Jacob-Bellecombette, 73000 France
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